
johnnydiabetic.com written in Go

Primary LanguageGo

Johnnydiabetic.com source code

This is the source code for my personal website. Originally, I had a website written in Python with Django but I decided to rewrite the website in Go. It has been a learning experience and is a lot of fun. The only libraries used besides the Golang standard lib is gorilla mux and sessions (http://gorillatoolkit.com/), and mgo (http://gopkg.in/mgo). On the frontend, it's Twitter Bootstrap and JQuery.

Why rewrite this in Go?

Well, mainly because Go rocks. But another reason is to get a little bit deeper into web programming. You need to do more without the help of the framework, and eventually, I think I will probably use some other libraries when the going gets really tough. But for now, it's fun to write it all from scratch.

What does it do?

Not much. Right now it has a pretty bland blog hooked into a Mongo database. Further down the line, I plan to rewrite some of the other apps in Golang.