
Linux Personal Firewall

Primary LanguageC++

	Leopard Flower personal firewall for Linux (LPFW) gives the user 
	control over which applications are allowed to use the network. 
	It comes with a GUI.

These instructions apply specifically to Ubuntu 14.04 but are very 
likely to work on other Linux distributions.

Install all dependencies:
sudo apt-get install make g++ libnetfilter-queue-dev libnetfilter-conntrack-dev libcap-dev python-qt4


Quick start:
Run lpfw as root. Run python gui/gui.py as regular user.

  These can be also seen with "lpfw --help".

  File to which rules are commited (default: /etc/lpfw.rules)

  Where to write logs. Possible values stdout(default), file, syslog

  If --logging_facility=file, then this is the file to which to write logging information. Default /tmp/lpfw.log

  Pidfile which prevents two instances of lpfw being launched at the same time. Default /var/log/lpfw.pid 

  Enables different levels of logging. Possible values 1 or 0 for yes/no. Default: all three 1.

    Only IPv4 is supported, IPv6 support is underway.
    Only one program can send ICMP packets simultaneously, if more than one does, LPFW blocks both.
    Only TCP, UDP, ICMP (partly, see above) protocols are supported. If your system happens to use any other transport protocol besides TCP/UDP/ICMP and you don't want those packets discarded by lpfw, consider adding a rule to iptables something like: >>> iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -p udplite -j ACCEPT <<< This rule should preceed NFQUEUE rule.
    If LPFW crashes, the user will have to run "sudo iptables -F" to be able to access the internet without restarting computer.



An example of traffic log's line:
<UDP remote local 36340   /home/wwwwww/apps/skype_static- 2150 allow
1 2    3             4        5    6     7                         8                           9    10

1. direction of traffic "<" outgoing, ">" incoming
2. Protocol type UDP / TCP
4. IP address of remote machine
5. port of remote machine
7. local port
8. Path to the executable which initiated the packet or for which the packet was destined
9. Process ID of the executable
10. Action taken by LPFW with regard to this packet


LeopardFlower (LPFW) utilizes a facility provided by netfilter whereby all outgoing and incoming packets which initiate a new connection are delivered to LPFW for decision on whether to drop them or accept them. LPFW sets up a rule with iptables similar to
iptables -A OUTPUT -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 11220
and installs a callback (using libnetfilter_queue) which is notified whenever a packet hits the NFQUEUE (NFQ). The fact that LPFW doesn't need to process every single packet but only those which initiate new connections, significantly decreases LPFW's CPU consumption.

Upon start up, LPFW read a rules file which contains internet access permissions per application. Based upon these rules, whenever a new packet hits NFQ, LPFW decides whether to allow or deny internet access or whether to ask the user what to do if no rule for the application in question has yet been defined.

In order to establish a correlation between a packet which hit nfq and the application which sent it, LPFW does the following:
1. for an outgoing packet - extract source port  (for an incoming packet - extract destination port) and look up in /proc/net/tcp to see which socket corresponds to the port.
2. Having found the socket, scan /proc/<PID>/fd to see which process owns the socket
3 Finally extract the application name from /proc/<PID>/exe

LPFW sets a unique netfilter mark on all connections of a specific app. This enables LPFW to instantly halt all app's internet activity if user chooses so. In order to set such a netfilter mark, LPFW uses libnetfilter_conntrack library.

lpfw strips itself of all capabilities except the following:

CAP_SYS_PTRACE (to readlink() root's links in /proc)
CAP_NET_ADMIN (to use netfilter_queue and netfilter_conntrack)
CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH (to scan all users' /proc/ entries)