
A Command Line wrapper for SSH to mange your connections and credentials.

Primary LanguageRust


Build Status

russh is a SSH and SCP wrapper to manage and group server connections aligned with credentials.

For security reason russh doesn't store any passwords.


One-Line Installation


curl -LSfs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jd84/russh/master/install.sh | \
  sudo sh -s -- --git jd84/russh --target x86_64-linux-gnu --to /usr/local/bin/


curl -LSfs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jd84/russh/master/install.sh | \
  sh -s -- --git jd84/russh --target x86_64-apple-darwin --to ~/bin/

Pre-build Binaries

Pre-build binaries for Linux and MacOS can be found on the release page.

Quick Start

Once russh is installed on your computer. Try running russh --version to make sure that is installed correctly, create a file named russh.yml in ~/.ssh/.

Example russh.toml

    user = "root"
    key = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"

    user = "pi"

      name = "web-01"
      hostname = ""
      user = "root"
      port = 22
      description = "Wordpress Webserver"

      name = "db-01"
      hostname = "db-01.localdomain.local"
      user = "pi"
      port = 22
      description = "RaspberryPi Database"

To list and show your configured servers, just run russh -l

To open a ssh connection to you server run russh web-01.

To transfer files from or to a server russh supports scp.

Transfer a file to a server run russh /path/to/file.txt web-01:/path/to/dest.txt Or download a file from a server russh web-01:/path/to/file.txt .


Thanks to https://github.com/japaric/trust for CI templates!