
Beams my résumé to the grateful masses via HyperText Transfer Protocol. Energize!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Node.js web app to beam my résumé to the grateful masses via HyperText Transfer Protocol. Energize!

This is currently running on a AWS EC2 instance here: jdahlq.com.


  1. Install Node.js v0.8.9. (It will probably work on much older versions, though.)
  2. Clone the repo.
  3. While inside your repo directory, do an npm install to install the dependencies.
  4. Start the server with node server and voila! If you want to use a different port, then: node server --port 1337


Method URI Return Object Description Live Example
GET resume/contact.json Contact information object
GET resume/jobs.json Array of job objects
GET resume/colleges.json Array of college objects
GET resume/other-education.json Array of strings
GET resume/other-skills.json Array of strings


  • None of these resources take parameters.
  • The return values are a mixture of objects, arrays, and strings.
  • I live in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, so the hammer and sickles are obligatory.

Other Features

  • A UI that uses: Twitter Bootstrap, Hogan.js (Mustache templates), jQuery
  • Tests for the API. Simply supply the --tests flag when you start the server.
  • A slightly awkward combination of CommonJS and namespaces (Google Closure style). The namespaces work well with my IDE.
  • No easter eggs, thankfully!


  • The client-side code was thrown together quickly, so it suffers from lack of organization and no production-level optimzations.
  • No client-side testing.
  • Resumes don’t have much data, so some of the architecture is somewhat contrived.
  • Absolutely NO easter eggs. None. I wouldn’t bother looking if I were you.