
scheme compiler, written in Racket

Primary LanguageLLVM

CMSC 430 Final Project

A Scheme compiler that targets LLVM IR.

$ make
$ racket compile.rkt tests/amb.scm
$ ./amb
'(solution . (3 . (4 . (5 . ()))))
$ racket tests.rkt all
Test-final: expected #f, got 2
Test hash-1.scm failed!
Test coverage: 94.12%

Part 1 - Primitive operations


  • + : Int, Int -> Int - adds two integers.

  • - : Int, Int -> Int - subtracts two integers.

  • * : Int, Int -> Int - multiples two integers.

  • / : Int, Int -> Int - divides two integers. Raises exception 1 if dividing by zero

  • number? : x -> Bool - returns true if the value is a number.


  • < : Int, Int -> Bool - returns true if the first integer is strictly less than the second.

  • <= : Int, Int -> Bool - returns true if the first integer is less than or equal to the second.

  • = : Int, Int -> Bool - returns true if integers are equal.

  • >= : Int, Int -> Bool - returns true if the first integer is greater than or equal to the second.

  • > : Int, Int -> Bool - returns true if the first integer is strictly greater than the second.

  • not : x -> Bool - returns true if the value is not #f


  • cons : x, y -> Cons x y - creates a cons cell of two values.

  • cdr : Cons x y -> y - returns the second value of a cons cell.

  • car : Cons x y -> x - returns the first value of a cons cell.

  • null? : x -> Bool - returns true if a value is null.

  • append : List, x -> y - adds the second argument to the end of the list.

  • list : x ... -> List - creates a list with its arguments.


  • void : () -> void - returns void.

  • halt : x -> () - exits the program with given value.

Part 2 - Error handling

I've implemented some better handling of run-time errors. These errors now produce more helpful messages.

Tests that produce errors have a comment at the top with their expected value. This gets read by testing code.

Errors that produce exceptions (division by zero, calling non-functions) raise integers, rather than (uninterned) symbols or strings. I chose to do this because it makes exception types easier to check - we have eq? and =, but not equal?.

  1. Division by zero

    Instead of throwing a floating point exception, programs now raise exception 1.

    Implemented by adding a few lines to desugar.rkt:

     ; solve divide by zero
     [`(/ ,a ,b)
       `(if (prim = ,b '0)
         ,(desugar-aux '(raise '1))
         (prim / ,a ,b))]
     `(lambda (a b)
         ,(desugar-aux '(/ a b)))]

    Tested by divide-by-zero-0.scm and divide-by-zero-1.scm.

  2. Too few arguments

    Instead of exposing an "expected cons" error, calling functions with too few arguments now halts with the alarming, but more helpful value 'too-few-args!.

    Implemented by adding null? checks in front of each car when pulling out named arguments. From desugar.rkt:

     [`(lambda (,xs ... . ,last) ,e)
       (define params (gensym 'params))
       `(lambda ,params
             `(let* ,(foldr (lambda (x binds)
                               ; handle too few arguments
                               (append `([_ (if (null? ,params) (halt 'too-few-args!) 'foo)]
                                         [,x (car ,params)]
                                         [,params (cdr ,params)])
                             `([,last ,params])

    From closure-convert.rkt:

     (cons gx
           `(let ([,n0 (prim null? ,gx)])
             (if ,n0
               (let ([,few 'too-few-args!])
                 (let ([,hlt (prim halt ,few)])
                   (,hlt ,hlt)))
               (let ([,x (prim car ,gx)])
                 (let ([,(car gx+e) (prim cdr ,gx)])
                   ,(cdr gx+e))))))

    Tested by too-few-0.scm and too-few-1.scm.

  3. Too many arguments

    Previously, calling a function with too many arguments actually behaved as if you had called it correctly (with extra arguments ignored). However, to prevent possible bugs, programs now halt with 'too-many-args! if you try to do this.

    Implemented by adding a null? check after pulling off all named arguments. From closure-convert.rkt:

     `(let ([,n1 (prim null? ,last)])
       (if ,n1
         ,(remove-varargs body vst)
         (let ([,many 'too-many-args!])
           (let ([,hlt (prim halt ,many)])
             (,hlt ,hlt)))))

    Tested by too-many-0.scm and too-many-1.scm.

  4. Handling (void), #t, and #f

    Programs that evaluate to void now print (void) instead of "unrecognized value 39". Similarly for #t and #f.

    Implemented by adding a few simple checks in header.cpp:

     else if (v == V_VOID)
     else if (v == V_TRUE)
     else if (v == V_FALSE)

    Tested by void-0.scm and void-1.scm.

  5. Applying non-function values

    Rather than seg-faulting, calling a non-function value now raises exception 5.

    Implemented by checking procedure? before each apply and function application. Doing this in top-level lets us avoid checking the library functions added in desugar:

     [`(,f ,args ...)
       (if (prim? f)
         (map top-level (cons f args))
         (let ([gf (gensym 'f)])
           `(let ([,gf ,(top-level f)])
              (if (procedure? ,gf)
                (,gf ,@(map top-level args))
                (raise '5)))))]
     ; similar for apply

    Tested by non-function-0.scm and non-function-1.scm.

Unbound variables

Although this isn't a run-time error, I also added a more friendly compile-time error message for unbound variables.

We can raise during alphatize if a variable isn't in scope:

  [(? symbol? x)
    (hash-ref env x (lambda () (raise (~a "unbound variable: " x))))]

This is tested by unbound.scm.

Other run-time errors

  • Using not-yet-initialized letrec or letrec* variables.

    Currently, I artifically initialize variables to 'undefined, which could "leak" into user code. I considered solving this by initializing to (lambda () (raise 'uninitialized)), but that would require modifying callsites as well, which is more work.

  • Buffer overflow: it's possible to vector-set! somewhere out of bounds.

  • Integer overflow: (+ 4294967296 1) returns 1.

  • eq? doesn't work for symbols, since they are strings under the hood.

Part 3 - HAMT

I've (partially) implemented hash, hash-ref, hash-set, and hash-remove, using Thomas Gilray's HAMT implementation.

Unfortunately, my hash-remove does not completely work, as demonstrated by the test hash-1.scm.

Also, when trying to implement the default thunk for hash-ref, I kept getting "expected cons" errors when trying to call the lambda. I thought this was because desugaring a zero-argument thunk adds an placeholder variable, and then we convert all lambdas to taking an argument list. However, after adding two prim_conss, it still gives me the error.

Please see my code at the bottom of header.cpp. Pull requests are appreciated 😛.

Part 4 - Boehm GC

I've attempted to implement the tagging portion of Boehm GC. I chose to use a tagging scheme that allocates a size 2 vector for each heap-allocated object. The first element of this vector holds the tag. In doing this, I made changes to header.cpp and closure-convert.rkt, where I modified make-closure, env-ref, and clo-app cases to properly handle boxed closures. However, this change led to many seg faults, and I've been unable to figure out why. As a result, the changes are on a separate branch, tagging.

Again, any advice on how to fix this would be really appreciated.


I used Thomas Gilray and Kristopher Micinski's HAMT implementation.

I used Thomas Gilray's cps.rkt and closure-convert.rkt.

While I would have liked to use the Boehm garbage collector, I didn't get there.

I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.