** Please Install node js on your machine first.
- Open ammps and import the webproject2.sql in database folder to the phpmyadmin.
- In Webpage folder Set the username and password in .env file for assessing the database.
-Now I set as the default which is user=root , password=mysql
- Do not change the port (SET AS 8080)
- Before running the js please type "npm i" in the terminal first (Because We did not zip the node_modules in the folder)
- Type node app.js to run the webpage. ******* Please run on the http://localhost:8080/ (8080 port only)
- As the first page (/) you require to login so use
- Username: newuser , Password: newuser (for the normal user login)
- Username: newadmin , Password: newadmin (for the admin login)
- If you login as user, it will bring you to the /google. If you login as admin, it will bring you to the /admin