100 Days of Javascript

Inspired by Jennifer Dewalt's 180 websites in 180 days and Elle Luna's 100 day project.

The Rules

  1. I will do 100 small JavaScript projects.
  2. There's no time limit on how long an individual exercise can take.
  3. Perfect is the enemy of good. I will not be afraid of making mistakes.
  4. I will ask for help when I need it.

The Projects

You can also view this list on the web.

  1. Literary Quotes - Randomly cycling through quotes from books I've read
  1. Hours to decimals converter - Converting hours and minutes to decimal units
  1. RGB-Hex converter - Convert RGB to hex and back again
  1. Fahrenheit-Celsius converter - Temperature conversion calculator
  1. Cooking unit converter - How many teaspoons are in a quart, anyway?
  1. Too Doo List - To do list app using vanilla JS and HTML5 local storage
  1. Cool Cat Gifs - Fetches random cat gifs via the Giphy API
  1. Secret Santa - No more drawing names from a hat! My first project to introduce JS testing with Mocha and Chai.
  1. Whack-a-Penguin - A game inspired by Coder Projects' Pop-up Penguin
  1. Pomodoro Timer - A JS implementation of a timer for the Pomodoro Technique.

More 100 Projects

Backlog of project ideas and improvements and things to learn

  • A Slackbot
  • Tic tac toe
  • Dropdowns
  • Build a game
  • Photo gallery
  • Color picker
  • Calculator
  • Something with ES6
  • Add testing
  • Something with Angular
  • Something with React
  • Form submission and AJAX response
  • Form validation
  • JS clock
  • song-a-day bot for the daily happy dance
