
A collection of simple tools that make it easy to statically generate websites

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SimpleSiteGen is a simple site generator


Simplesitegen provides the very basics for creating a statically-generated site. As with any template-driven system, simplesitegen functionality revolves around passing data into templates. Pages are represented by a PageData object, which is a freeform JavaScript object that has a "_meta" and a "_site" attribute attached. Simplesitegen provides several utility functions for creating PageData objects, such as createPage and createPagesFromFiles.

PageData objects are given to the SiteGenerator along with a render function, which will render the page using the PageData. Currently, simplesitegen has no native template support, but you should be able to leverage any template engine you like, or simply use JavaScript template strings. In addition to PageData objects to render, you can also give the SiteGenerator static assets that should simply be copied into a location on the static site.

Page Data

A PageData object can contain anything, and that data will be passed to whatever renders the page, but if created using simplesitegen's utility functions, it will at least have these attributes:

interface PageData {
    _meta: {
        link: string,
        location: string
    _site: {
        baseUrl: string


 * Group objects using a given criteria
 * @param arr The objects to be grouped
 * @param groupAssignment Function to assign an object to a group.  If an array is returned, the object will appear in multiple groups
export function createGroups<T, G>(arr: Array<T>, groupAssignment: (item: T) => G | Array<G>): Map<G, Array<T>>;

export interface CreatePagesFromFilesParams {
    /** The root directory to read the files from, relative to CWD.  Defaults to CWD. */
    rootDir?: string;
    /** Glob pattern for files to read.  Any matching files will be read */
    filePattern: string;
    /** Function to process the file input into PageData */
    fileToData: (fileContents: string) => Promise<PageData>;
    /** Function to provide the location for the page based on its PageData */
    getLocation: (data: PageData) => string;
    /** SiteData to be added to the _site attribute */
    siteData?: SiteData;

 * Generate PageData objects from files
 * @param params 
export function createPagesFromFiles(params: CreatePagesFromFilesParams): Promise<PageData[]>;

export interface CreatePageSequenceParams {
    /** The list of PageData objects to add _meta and _site attributes to */
    data: PageData[];
    /** Location in which the page sequence will be placed.  Each page will be placed in a subdirectory named after its index number */
    baseLocation: string;
    /** File name to give to the generated pages.  Defaults to 'index.html' */
    fileName?: string;
    /** Site data to add to the _site attribute */
    siteData?: SiteData;

 * Creates PageData objects, and automatically adds _meta.prev and _meta.next attributes to link the pages in the sequence.
 * @param params 
export function createPageSequence(params: CreatePageSequenceParams): PageData[];

export interface CreateIndexParams {
    /** List of pages to include in the index */
    pages: PageData[];
    /** Function to create the full PageData for an index page given the list of pages that it should contain */
    createIndexPageData: (pageItems: PageData[]) => PageData;
    /** If included, the index will be paginated with the specified number of items per page */
    itemsPerPage?: number;
    /** The location in the generated site where the index files should be placed */
    baseLocation: string;
    /** File name to give the output files.  Defaults to 'index.html' */
    fileName?: string;
    /** Site data to be added to the _site attribute of the created PageData objects */
    siteData?: SiteData;

 * Create an index page for a list of pages.  This can be used to create an index page for all posts in a blog, or a tag or category archive.
 * @param params 
export function createIndex(params: CreateIndexParams): PageData[];

export interface CreatePageParams {
    /** PageData to append _meta and _site information to */
    data: PageData;
    /** Location where the page should exist within the site */
    location: string;
    /** Site data that will be added under the _site attribute */
    siteData?: SiteData;

 * Create a page.  This essentially attaches appropriate _meta and _site attributes to the object
 * @param params 
export function createPage(params: CreatePageParams): PageData;

 * Add _meta.prev and _meta.next attributes to each of the pages in the array to link them together
 * @param pages {PageData[]} The sequence of pages to link
export function addSequenceLinks(pages: PageData[]): void;

 * Primary object for generating a static site
export class SiteGenerator {
     * @param outDir {string} Directory in which to generate the static site
    constructor(outDir: string){}

     * Add pages to the site, which will be generated when the 'generate()' function is called
     * @param pages {PageData[]} An array of one or more PageData objects that will be used to generate sites.  One page will be generated for each PageData in the array.
     * @param render {(data: PageData) => Promise<string>} The render function to use to generate a page
    addPages(pages: PageData[], render: (data: PageData) => Promise<string>);

     * Add static assets to the site, which will be copied over when the 'generate()' function is called.
     * The location of the asset in the generated site will be the relative path of the file from 'sourceDir'.
     * @param sourceDir {string} The source directory to copy files from
     * @param pattern {string} Glob pattern to match files.  Matched files will be copied.
    addAssets(sourceDir: string, pattern: string);

     * Generate the site
    generate(): Promise<void>;


This is what the code looks like to generate my personal blog:

async function main() {
    let posts = await createPagesFromFiles({
        rootDir: 'content',
        filePattern: 'posts/**/*',
        fileToData: parseMarkdown,
        siteData: siteData
    posts = _.sortBy(posts, 'date');

    // Don't generate posts that have a publish date set in the future
    if (!argv.publishAll) {
        posts = posts.filter(post => post.publish && post.date <= new Date());

    let tags = createGroups(posts, (post) => post.tags);

    tagPages = [];
    tags.forEach((posts, tag) => {
        let pages = createIndex({
            pages: posts,
            itemsPerPage: POSTS_PER_PAGE,
            createIndexPageData: (posts) => ({
                title: tag,
                posts: posts
            baseLocation: `tags/${tag}/`,
            siteData: siteData

        tagPages = tagPages.concat(pages);

    const indexPages = createIndex({
        pages: posts,
        itemsPerPage: POSTS_PER_PAGE,
        createIndexPageData: (posts) => ({
            posts: posts
        baseLocation: '/',
        siteData: siteData

    const rssPosts = posts.slice(0, Math.min(15, posts.length));
    const rssPage = createPage({
        data: {
            posts: rssPosts
        location: 'feed.xml',
        siteData: siteData

    let generator = new SiteGenerator(argv.outDir || 'public');
    generator.addPages(posts, data => Promise.resolve(require('../templates/post')(data)));
    generator.addPages(tagPages, data => Promise.resolve(require('../templates/archive')(data)));
    generator.addPages(indexPages,data => Promise.resolve(require('../templates/index')(data)));
    generator.addPages([rssPage], data => Promise.resolve(require('../templates/rss')(data)));
    generator.addAssets(path.join('content'), 'assets/**/*');
    generator.addAssets(path.join('content'), 'admin/**/*');
    generator.addAssets(path.join('content'), 'favicon.*');
