
This is the 💲Lottery program🤳 to get Tickets on Several 🍯Honney_pot🐝.

Primary LanguageRust


🍯This is one kind of 💲Lottery system💲.🍯 Here's how it works:

  • Players pay an entry fee of 0.05 💲SOL for a golden ticket.
  • 0.01 💲SOL is taken from this fee and deposited into the community treasury
  • Players stake their golden ticket for the duration of the Pot.
  • When the Pot ends, the wallet containing the winning ticket receives the contents of the pot.
  • 10% of every pot is deposited into the community treasury. There are daily, weekly, and monthly pots.
  • Over time, we will add pots with different ticket prices, time limits, and rules for entry

Install Dependencies

  • Install node and yarn
  • Install ts-node as global command
  • Confirm the solana wallet preparation: /home/fury/.config/solana/id.json in test case

Before that in your PC solana programs have to be installed with this version

  • $ solana --version // solana-cli 1.8.16 (src:23af37fe; feat:1886190546)
  • $ anchor --version // anchor-cli 0.20.1 //use avm to install and use desired version: Refer here
cargo install --git https://github.com/project-serum/anchor avm --locked --force
  • $ node --version // v16.14.0
  • $ yarn --version // 1.22.17 // use
npm install --global yarn@1.22.17
  • $ cargo --version // cargo 1.59.0 (49d8809dc 2022-02-10)//rustup install 1.59.0 and then if needed rustup override set 1.59.0


  • Main script source for all functionality is here: /cli/script.ts
  • Program account types are declared here: /cli/types.ts
  • Idl to make the JS binding easy is here: /cli/honey_pot.json

Able to test the script functions working in this way.

  • Change commands properly in the main functions of the script.ts file to call the other functions
  • Confirm the ANCHOR_WALLET environment variable of the ts-node script in package.json
  • Run yarn ts-node

How to deploy this program?

First of all, you have to git clone in your PC. In the folder Lottery_DAO/honey_pot, in the terminal

  1. yarn
  2. anchor build In the last sentence you can see:
 To deploy this program:    
 $ solana program deploy /home/ubuntu/apollo/Lottery_DAO/honey_pot/target/deploy/honey_pot.so  
 The program address will default to this keypair (override with --program-id):    
  1. solana-keygen pubkey /home/ubuntu/apollo/Lottery_DAO/honey_pot/target/deploy/honey_pot-keypair.json
  2. You can get the pubkey of the program ID : ex."CKy...Q98F"
  3. Please add this pubkey to the lib.rs line 15: declare_id!("CKy...Q98F");
  4. Please add this pubkey to the Achor.toml line 2: upgrade = "CKy...Q98F"
  5. Please add this pubkey to the init.ts line 36: const PROGRAM_ID = "CKy...Q98F";
  6. anchor build again
  7. solana program deploy /home/ubuntu/apollo/Lottery_DAO/honey_pot/target/deploy/honey_pot.so
  8. In the scripts.ts code, line 39, check the network.(devnet or mainnet-beta)
  9. In the scripts.ts code, line 71, de-comment await initProject(payer.publicKey);
  10. yarn ts-node
  11. If this error comes - Error: Provider local is not available on browser., export BRWOSER=
  12. yarn ts-node

Then, you can enjoy this program with new program_id.


As a Smart Contract Owner

For the first time use, the Smart Contract Owner should initialize the Smart Contract for global account allocation.

 * @dev Before use this program, the accounts have to be initialized
 * @param userAddress : The caller who want to init the project
 * @returns 
export const initProject = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,

As a user

All users can buy tickets by calling the functions with amount of tickets.

 * @dev Buy daily tickets function
 * @param userAddress The caller of this function- the player of the game
 * @param amount The amount of tickets that the caller bought
export const buyTicket = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
    amount: number

before buyTicket, initialze the userPool.

 * @dev Create account of users with the identifier, timestamp, seed
 * @param userAddress The caller of this function - the player of the game
 * @param identifier The count of the dailyPot
 * @param timestamp The startTime of the dailyPot
export const initIdPool = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
    identifier: number,
    timestamp: number,

After the lottery ends, they can reveal the winner by calling function.

 * @dev The function which can reveal the winner of the daily_pot
 * @param userAddress The caller address
export const revealWinner = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
): Promise<PublicKey>

Then, the winner can claim reward from the reward pool by calling funciton.

 * @dev The claim funtion that can claim the winner Prize from the daily_pot
 * @param userAddress The caller address to claim reward from the rewardVault
export const claim = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,

Above 3 functions are implemented for 3 pots- daily, weekly, and monthly pots.

  • Buyfunction
 * @dev Buy Weekly tickets function
 * @param userAddress The caller of this function- the player of the game
 * @param amount The amount of tickets that the caller bought
export const buyWeeklyTicket = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
    amount: number
 * @dev Buy Monthly tickets function
 * @param userAddress The caller of this function- the player of the game
 * @param amount The amount of tickets that the caller bought
export const buyMonthlyTicket = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
    amount: number
  • RevealFunction
 * @dev The function which can reveal the winner of the weekly_pot
 * @param userAddress The caller address
export const revealWeeklyWinner = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
): Promise<PublicKey>
 * @dev The function which can reveal the winner of the monthly_pot
 * @param userAddress The caller address

export const revealMonthlyWinner = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
): Promise<PublicKey> 
  • ClaimFunction
 * @dev The claim funtion that can claim the winner Prize from the weekly_pot
 * @param userAddress The caller address to claim reward from the rewardVault
export const claimWeekly = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,
 * @dev The claim funtion that can claim the winner Prize from the weekly_pot
 * @param userAddress The caller address to claim reward from the rewardVault
export const claimWeekly = async (
    userAddress: PublicKey,