Read the GitBook
Contains the entire end-to-end proposal that includes background, proposed solution, pricing and examples of technical integration.
The Creator Standard is a smart contract-level solution to the issue of royalty circumvention that allows creators to decide with which programs their NFTs can interact without sacrificing basic wallet-to-wallet transfers.
The protocol, which is built on top of the SPL token program, selectively permissions token transfers to achieve this. Every token has an associated Mint Manager account, which holds its freeze and mint authority. Each mint manager specifies a ruleset, which is simply a set of "rules" (allowlist/denylist) that dictates which programs can interact with and transfer the NFT. The ruleset is assigned by the NFT's creator and can be updated at their discretion.
The program utilizes two types of program derived accounts.
📖 Set of rules that permission the transfer of a token specified by the token’s creatorlet mut seeds = ['ruleset'.as_bytes(), name.as_bytes()];
pub struct Ruleset {
// account discriminator
pub account_type: u8,
// version for potential future versioning
pub version: u8,
// authority who can update this ruleset
pub authority: Pubkey,
// name for this ruleset (also used to derive ruleset address)
pub name: String,
// vector of allowed programs that can interact with this nft
pub allowed_programs: Vec<Pubkey>,
// vector of disallowed addresses that cannot interact with this nft
pub disallowed_addresses: Vec<Pubkey>,
let mut seeds = ['mint-manager'.as_bytes(), mint.as_ref()];
pub struct MintManager {
// account discriminator
pub account_type: u8,
// version for potential future versioning
pub version: u8,
// mint address of this NFT that this mint-manager corresponds to
pub mint: Pubkey,
// authority who can update the ruleset of this mint-manager
pub authority: Pubkey,
// ruleset to be checked when transferring
pub ruleset: Pubkey,
// optional address currently using this NFT meaning it cannot be transferred while in-use
pub in_use_by: Option<Pubkey>,
When a mint manager gets created for a mint, the mint manager freezes the mint perpetually. Each mint manager is associated with a ruleset, with it specifying specific a set of rules
Most fields are self-explanatory with the exception of in_use_by
field which needs some underlying context and will be discussed below.