
A websocket-y frontend to osquery and facter.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What is this?

In gif form, it is this:

In word form, it is...

  • A C++ application that you deploy to each of your servers that wraps cfacter and osquery in websockets
  • A nodejs web application that you deploy on one server, that allows you to query each of the aforementioned servers for osquery/facter information via websockets.

Eventually, I'd like to turn this into a lightweight inventory management for a fleet of servers (e.g. are any of my servers running vulnerable versions of openssl?).

Want to try it?

I just want to try it - no compiling, please (or, I'll be working on the JS)!

I've helpfully provided a vagrant box and a script to get everything up and running, no compiling or interaction needed!

Simply check out this repo, vagrant up, vagrant ssh, and you're ready to go!

It uses the deb for dashiell up on bintray. So you can use that manually, too, if you want.

  • To run it, open a couple terminals and vagrant ssh into the box in both!
    • Server:
      • cd /vagrant/server
      • npm install && node index.js
      • You won't see any output to indicate that the server is running
    • Client:
      • dashiell
      • The server will say "registered server" and the client "waiting for queries"
    • Then try it out!
      • Then browse to
      • Click the "Run Query" button and watch results come back

And that's all there is to it. Hopefully there will be less to it in the future (you know, packages and stuff) and it will just be an apt-get away. But we aren't there yet. Sorry.

Anyway, with this configuration, you can easily work on the JS and HTML without having to worry about having all kinds of C++ stuff hanging around that you don't want.

If you find you need to change the C++ application for your work (or you just want to mess with it), you can follow the directions in the following section. I hope to get those to be less insane (or at least scripted) soon. But, again, cmake is not my thing. At all.

I'm okay with compiling it (or, I'll be working on the C++):

See COMPILING.md in the root of this repo. I moved it out to the readme so I wasn't scaring anyone off who thought it was part of the no-compile instructions. I hope to have them less insane soon, anyway

Want to help?

See CONTRIBUTING.md in the root of this repo. Mostly I just need help with "everything", though.


You know, like Dashiell Hammet. Because it will help you investigate your servers. And also because it looks and sounds a little bit like "da shell." Get it?

Well...it's still early, I guess I could change the name.