
Cross platform provisioning to existing servers using vagrant

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Vagrant Orchestrate

This is a Vagrant 1.6+ plugin that allows orchestrated deployments to existing servers on top of the excellent vagrant-managed-servers plugin. It features a powerful templating init command and is designed from the ground up to be cross-platform, with first class support for Windows, Linux, and Mac.


Install using the standard Vagrant plugin installation method:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-orchestrate


Initialize a Vagrantfile to orchestrate running a script on multiple managed servers

$ vagrant orchestrate init --shell

You'll need to edit your Vagrantfile and replace some variables, such as ssh username and password, and the path to the script to run. The first line of the file defines an array of managed servers that the push command will operate on.

This works for Windows managed servers as well

$ vagrant orchestrate init --winrm [--winrm-username USERNAME --winrm-password PASSWORD]

For a full list of init options, run vagrant orchestrate init --help

Pushing changes

Go ahead and push changes to your managed servers

$ vagrant orchestrate push

You can run vagrant with increased verbosity if you run into problems

$ vagrant orchestrate push --debug

Branching strategy

If you have several environments (e.g. dev, test, prod), it is recommended to create a separate branch for each environment and put the appropriate servers into the managed_servers array at the top of the Vagrantfile for each. To move a change across branches, simply create a feature branch from your earliest branch and then merge that feature into downstream environments to avoid conflicts.

Tips for Windows hosts

  • Need rsync? Install OpenSSH and then run this script to install rsync. Vagrant managed servers currently only works with cygwin based rsync implementations.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/Cimpress-MCP/vagrant-orchestrate/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Development Tips

You'll want Ruby v2.0.0* and bundler for developing changes.

You can install bundler by running

$ gem install bundler

Bundler documentation is available here (http://bundler.io/).

During the course of development you'll want to run the code you're working on, not the version of Vagrant Orchestrate you've installed. In order to accomplish this, run your vagrant orchestrate commands in the bundler environment.

In your shell:

$ bundle exec vagrant orchestrate