
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chat System

Create conversations and chat in real time with your contacts.


  • Make sure you have mongodb installed and available on localhost on port 27017 without username and password authentication.
  • Make sure you have Redis and running on default port 6379


backend-services installation instructions:

from the terminal Run:

cd backend-services

Start installing:

- make sure you have yarn version: 1.15.2 and node v10.13.0
- run from the terminal: yarn install
- run from the terminal: yarn watch
- start in another terminal tab: yarn build
- enter into the build directory and run: node worker.js
Built With
  • Socket.io
  • Express
  • Mongoose js

chat-frontend installation instructions

from the terminal Run:

cd chat-frontend

Start installing:

- make sure you have yarn version: 1.15.2 and node v10.13.0
- run from the terminal: yarn install
- run from the terminal: yarn start
Built With
  • React js
  • Mobx
  • Socket.io


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details