
JavaScript Note taking app built for Mobile(React Native) and Desktop(Electron)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


There is no max check/text body cap. I just realized this and I may be losing data. The body is long though it uses longtext. But depending on how MySQL is running it may silently auto-truncate for you vs. fail for being too long.


This is a cross-platform note-taking app primarily along with some other "sub-apps" or "modules" sprinkled in eg. a canvas drawing tool that can be saved.

This is the intended functionality at minimum cross platform design


  • Shared API - Node/Express/MySQL
  • Desktop - Electron/ReactJS
  • Mobile - React Native


This is the heart of these random connected apps. It is a remote API accessible by all the different apps eg. mobile/desktop/chrome extension. This one is written with Node/Express/MySQL. For me I use a VPS from OVH so my API is remote in that it's not on my home network.


The desktop app is a ReactJS build loaded inside an Electron app.

current design and functionality as of 04/26/2020

Desktop - build/deploy

Within the /desktop/ folder is a /reactjs/ folder, in there you do your changes to the base ReactJS app then do your npm run build. After that run npm start inside the /desktop/ folder to run the Electron app. If all looks well, package it eg. npm run package-win. Check package.json for the different packager options. The executable file(s) will be in /desktop/release-builds/ per platform you choose.


This is a React Native app, the apps are generally pretty basic, although built to be dynamic(can add more modules). Below is a gif showing the Electron app updating some note and then the RN app reads the new value. Later RN updates same value and Electron sees it. Both interfaces are using the /shared-api/ for modifying and storing data.

current React Native app 04/30/2020


Mac desktop app - assumes API exists

  • cd into desktop/reactjs, make a .env file from the .env.example file then edit the .env file, update the ...API_BASE_PATH (depends on deployed API), can run local API as well and use localhost
  • build the reactjs app by running npm install, npm run build
  • go up one directory eg. cd .. so you're in the desktop folder directory
  • run npm install to install Electron then run npm run package-os check package.json for the platform
  • you should see a builds release-builds folder appear, open that in finder, find the folder with darwin in the name, inside is a desktop.app file can double click on that to launch the app on Mac.

Other features (future)

  • Chrome extension primarily for lazily grabbing all the open tabs while building something
    • show a list of links
  • rework UI to group entries in cards/by date


  • mac - there is a menu error on launch, doesn't prevent app from working though
  • android RN app - possibly slow/causes UI freeze, it partially works but stopped using in the mean time
    • I think my phone is just old/piece of crap, as even without this app the UI can still freeze(eg. while typing an sms message)
    • there was some bug though about an event not being unmounted/unregistered or something like that


Icons sourced from Flaticon