
Starter project for Next.js full-stack application, with client side front-end and administrative back-end, API methods, etc.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next.js Starter

Next.js full-stack application - frontend + administration section. Auth ready.

Getting Started

1. Install dependencies


2. Run the development server

yarn dev

3. Migrate your DB

This project is using PostgreSQL with Prisma. Migrations, seeding and scheme-updating is done via Prisma.

yarn db:generate # Generate DB scheme
yarn db:migrate # Migrate DB
yarn db:push # Force push scheme onto DB

You can then login with hello@jdckl.dev:password.

4. Click and type away

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/*.

Commit Message Convention

This repo is using conventional commits, it is mandatory to use it to commit changes.


Project is using Jest for unit testing, with react-testing-library for FE tests and supertest for api tests.

yarn test


Linting is done in a pre-commit hook if possible, but feel free to go manual mode. The project uses ESLint and Prettier with some plugins.

yarn lint
yarn lint:fix

Simple Import Sort
Unused Imports
Prettier Tailwind