Next.js full-stack application - frontend + administration section. Auth ready.
yarn dev
This project is using PostgreSQL with Prisma. Migrations, seeding and scheme-updating is done via Prisma.
yarn db:generate # Generate DB scheme
yarn db:migrate # Migrate DB
yarn db:push # Force push scheme onto DB
You can then login with
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/*
This repo is using conventional commits, it is mandatory to use it to commit changes.
Project is using Jest for unit testing, with react-testing-library for FE tests and supertest for api tests.
yarn test
Linting is done in a pre-commit hook if possible, but feel free to go manual mode. The project uses ESLint and Prettier with some plugins.
yarn lint
yarn lint:fix