
a set of recipes to build a development environment for starcraft broodwar AI bots.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


a set of recipes to build a development environment for starcraft broodwar AI bots.

requirements for veewee and virtualbox.

vagrant 1.4.3 virtualbox 4.3.10 ruby 1.9.1

sudo apt-get install vagrant virtualbox ruby-full


sudo gem install --user-install veewee --no-rdoc

winrm 0.2.2 (to launch windows boxes)

sudo gem install --user-install em-winrm  --no-rdoc

note: when installing with user-install, you need to add ~/.gem/..... /bin to your path.

veewee requires java to be installed to run the floppy files

vbox creation

set WORKDIR to a path. set VMNAME to a particular VM name

VM vdi storage

mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/vm
vboxmanage setproperty machinefolder ${WORKDIR}/vm

iso storage

mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/iso

copy win7, visual studio, and vbox guest additions in iso/

definitions storage

These definitions come from veewee templates. https://github.com/jedi4ever/veewee/tree/master/templates/windows-7-enterprise-amd64

mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/definitions
ln -s path_to_win7sp1ent64_definition_dir ${WORKDIR}/${VMNAME}

box instantiation

veewee vbox build ${VMNAME}  --workdir=${WORKDIR}


ssh -p 59857 vagrant@localhost

bot development environment installation

this requires to have python-virtualenv, python-dev (Fabric requires it)

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv python-dev

create a virtualenv and install fabric in it:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install fabric

execute the fabric file on vm1 or vm2 (2 different environments)

fab vm1 deploy -c /path/to/fabric/config/config.rc -f /path/to/fabric/fabfile.py -p vagrant