
Based off the design of SparkOnHBase. This Repo will support Spark, Spark Streaming, and Spark SQL integration with Kudu.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This is a simple reusable lib for working with Kudu with Spark

##Functionality Current functionality supports the following functions

  • RDD foreachPartition with iterator and kudu client
  • RDD mapPartition with iterator and kudu client
  • DStream foreachPartition with iterator and kudu client
  • DStream mapPartition with iterator and kudu client
  • Spark SQL integration with Kudu (Basic no filter push down yet)


  • Basic example ** Creating Kudu tables ** Connecting with SparkSQL ** Converting values from Kudu to SparkSQL to MlLib
  • Gamer example ** Creating Kudu Gamer table ** Generating Gamer data and pushing it to Kafka ** Reading Gamer data from Kafka with Spark Streaming ** Aggregating Gamer data in Spark Streaming then pushing mutations to Kudu ** Running Impala SQL on Kudu Gamer table ** Running SparkSQL on Kudu Gamer table ** Converting SparkSQL results to Vectors so we can do KMeans

##Near Future

  • Key SQL predict push down
  • Need to update POM file with public repo
  • Need to work with Kudu project to integrate into Kudu

##Build mvn clean package

##Setup for Gamer Example

###Setting up Kafka kafka-topics --zookeeper ZooKeeperNode:2181 --create --topic gamer --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 kafka-topics --zookeeper ZooKeeperNode:2181 --list

###Basic Testing with Kafka kafka-console-producer --broker-list BrokerNode:9092 --topic test kafka-cocsole-consumer --zookeeper ZooKeeperNode:2181 --topic gamer --from-beginning

###Populating Kafka java -cp KuduSpark.jar org.kududb.spark.demo.gamer.KafkaProducerGenerator mriggs-strata-1.vpc.cloudera.com:9092 gamer 10000 300 1000

###create Table java -cp KuduSpark.jar org.kududb.spark.demo.gamer.CreateKuduTable mriggs-strata-1.vpc.cloudera.com gamer

###Run Spark Streaming spark-submit
--master yarn --deploy-mode client
--executor-memory 2G
--num-executors 2
--jars kudu-mapreduce-0.1.0-20150903.033037-21-jar-with-dependencies.jar
--class org.kududb.spark.demo.gamer.GamerAggergatesSparkStreaming KuduSpark.jar
BrokerNode:9092 gamer KuduMaster gamer C