
Accepted and certified submission to the Flutter create contest.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Flutter App for the Flutter Create contest.


The name of the app is 'accomMe'. The concept or motive behind developing this application is to help users find and give a clear picture of various hotels out there for their immediate accomodation. They also get the facility to choose from their choice of starred hotels to check whether they can afford their stay at the hotel. 'accomMe' shall be greatly beneficial to all those people who like to travel around anytime, anywhere.

State of App

As this app has been developed for a submission to the Flutter create contest, the UX/UI has been kept in more focus here. Even in the final updated app, the UX/UI will be same as here but only more backend functionalities would be added. The content of the three sections for hotels are kept same for now due to the constraints of limiting the dart code. The hotel names and prices are fictious and are not compared to reality in the current state of the app. A more clear picture of the hotels are visible on clicking on an item. The code quality has been kept in mind and hence the code has been kept in a fully understandable format which can be verified from the code file. It is requested to check the dart code size as it is.

Special instructions

There are no such special instructions to run the app. The app has been run mulltiple times on an Android device but not on an iOS device due to unavailability of it and a low configuration machine to start a emulator for the same. So it is recommended to run the app on an Android device/emulator. The code quality has been kept in mind and hence the code has been kept in a fully understandable format which can be verified from the code file. It is requested to check the dart code size as it is without formatting the whole file with dartfmt.

Keep Fluttering!