
"Local" Integration for Enphase Envoy Firmware 7.3+

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


"Local" Integration for Enphase Envoy Firmware 7.3+ Uses endpoints found by @del13r on this thread: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/enphase-envoy-d7-firmware-with-jwt-a-different-approach/594082

Stargazers repo roster for @jdeath/enphase_local

Target Audiance

This integration is for those with Enphase Envoy Firmware 7.3+ who is setup in “load only” or "total-consumption" mode. This means your envoy does not natively return the total imported/exported energy. It returns the power, but does not integrate it. One option is to use a Reiman Sum Integral to integrate the power. Instead, this integration gets the energy information from enphase cloud. Not sure how the cloud knows, but the local envoy does not. I find it to be reasonably accurate (I can read my actual production and net energy meter with a SDR).

Currently, this works for “load only” or "total-consumption" . Perhaps I will add ability for other setups. Other setups will not need the cloud aspect, since the envoy reports this locally. However, the data is formatted differently so will require some if statements and testers.

Despite the name, this integration gets both local and cloud data. It started out at getting local data, but not all the required data was local.

Local Data From your envoy: Current production,consumption,import,export power. Lifetime Energy Production, Consumption, Net. Inverter power production

Cloud Data: Energy Production, Consumption, Import, Export, Net


  1. Add this repo into hacs
  2. Download enphase_local integration
  3. Add the following yaml to your homeassistant configuration.yaml under the sensor: key
- platform: enphase_local
  ip_address: 192.168.1.XXX # Optional, if not entered, will default to envoy.local
  use_inverters: true # Optional, if false or not added it will not provide inverter data
  username: 'user@email.com'  # Required, your enphase username/email - Used to get local token and cloud data
  password: 'Password123' # Required, your enphase password - Used to get local token and cloud data
  siteid: 'XXXXXX' # Required, your enphasse site_id. You can find this in the enphase app - Used to get cloud data
  serial: 'XXXX' # Requried, your envoy serial number. Find this going to envoy.local - Used to get cloud data

You will get self explanitory sensors called: sensor.enphaselocal_X_Y where X is: production, consumption, export, import, net (production - consumption) where Y is power, energy

Also will get sensor.enphaselocal_energy_Z_lifetime, where z is production,consumption,net

If use inverters, will get power production of each inverter sensor.enphaselocal_inverter_XXXX where XXXX is the interver serial

In sensor.py you can change how often it queries local power, intervers, and the cloud seperately. Defaults to 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 10 minutes respectively. You must set SCAN_INTERVAL to the lowest value.

To Do

I welcome PRs for any of the below capability.

  1. Cache Local Token Between Homeassistant Restarts incase cloud is down
  2. Make calls async
  3. Add support for people with "Load with Solar Production". This can be queried from local envoy, so should be easy. However, the data is formatted differently and will require some testers. No current plans for this, but will accept PRs.