
Test mirroring a project between Gitlab, Github and Bitbucket

Mirror Test

This repository demonstrates mirroring a repository between different GIT hosts. The Supplier and Client repositories can be hosted internally but the Shared repository needs to be accessible to both parties.

Supplier: Gitlab

Shared: Github

Client: Bitbucket

Mirror from Supplier to Shared remote

  1. Create the new Shared repository on Github.

  2. Create a bare checkout of the Supplier (Source) repository.

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone --bare git@github.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
  1. Add the shared remote and mirror the Supplier to the Shared repository.
$ cd /tmp/mirror-test.git
$ git remote add shared git@github.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
$ git push --mirror git@github.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
  1. Clean up.
$ cd -
$ rm -rf /tmp/mirror-test.git

Add shared remote to Supplier clone.

Assuming you're working directory for projects is ~/Projects add a remote to the Shared repository named shared. This will allow you to push/pull to the remote (shared) branches using the remote name. i.e. git push shared dev.

$ cd ~/Projects/
$ git clone git@gitlab.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
$ git remote add shared git@github.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git

Mirror from Shared to Client remote

  1. Create a new Client (internal) repository.

  2. Create a (temporary) bare clone of the Shared repository.

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone --bare git@github.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
  1. Mirror to the Client repository and clean up.
$ cd /tmp/mirror-test.git
$ git push --mirror git@bitbucket.org:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
  1. Clean up.
$ cd -
$ rm -rf /tmp/mirror-test.git

Add shared remote to Client clone.

Assuming you're working directory for projects is ~/Projects add a remote to the Shared repository named shared. This will allow you to push/pull to the remote (shared) branches using the remote name. i.e. git push shared dev.

$ cd ~/Projects/
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:jdeathe/mirror-test.git
$ git remote add shared git@github.com:jdeathe/mirror-test.git