
Stuff hosted on fnl.one

Primary LanguagePHP

Basic requirements

Clone and setup the project

Get the code (clone the repo)

git clone git@github.com:jdecode/fnl-one.git

Enter the folder :

cd fnl-one

Select the "links" branch :

git branch links

Update service names

To avoid conflicts with other projects using the same template:

Update the IP address, in network sections of docker-compose.yml (for locally running containers)

Tip: One simple method of using non-repeatable IPs (almost, non-repeatable) is to use the date format for first 2 octets like YYM.MDD.1.1, which could translate to (considering the date as January 31, 2022) :

Make the docker-compose build and bring up the services, in the background

docker-compose up --build -d

Install the boilerplate

  • Install composer dependencies
docker-compose exec flinks-api composer install

The landing page URL should be working now