
Web based compiler for different programming languages

Primary LanguagePHP

First Run : One-command-to-rule-them-all

git clone git@github.com:jdecode/online-compiler.git \
&& cd online-compiler \
&& docker-compose up --build -d \
&& docker-compose exec online-compiler-api composer install \
&& docker-compose exec online-compiler-api composer run dev-setup \
&& git config core.filemode false

Admin URL (also accessible from the above link) :

Admin credentials : admin@admin.com / admin

Everything should be working fine. If not, please open an issue.


Port mappings in docker-compose.yml are as following:

  1. 2100 : 80
    1. HTTP
    2. Service-and-container name = online-compiler-api
    3. IP =
  2. 2101 : 2101
    1. Vite
    2. Config file : vite.config.js
  3. 2110: 5432
    1. Postgres
    2. Service-and-container name = online-compiler-pg
    3. IP =

Files to update service/container names:

  1. docker-compose.yml
  2. composer.json
  3. .circleci/config.yml
  4. .github/workflows/ci.yml

Files to update IP address:

  1. docker-compose.yml
  2. .env.example
  3. .env.testing

Files to update port numbers:

  1. vite.config.js