
A custom Doctrine type that maps column values to enum objects using marc-mabe/php-enum

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Doctrine Mabe Enum Type

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This package is a port of acelaya/doctrine-enum-type but for marc-mabe/php-enum.

It provides a base implementation to define doctrine entity column types that are mapped to MabeEnum\Enum objects. That class is defined in the fantastic marc-mabe/php-enum package.


⚠️ This project is no longer actively maintained.

Native enum arrived to PHP in version 8.1: https://www.php.net/enumerations If your project is running PHP 8.1+ or your library has it as a minimum requirement you should use it instead of this library.


The recommended installation method is by using composer

composer require jdecool/doctrine-mabe-enum-type


This package provides a JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType class that extends Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type. You can use it to easily map type names to concrete Enums.

The PhpEnumType class will be used as the doctrine type for every property that is an enumeration.

Let's imagine we have this two enums.


namespace JDecool\Enum;

use MabeEnum\Enum;

class Action extends Enum
    public const CREATE = 'create';
    public const READ = 'read';
    public const UPDATE = 'update';
    public const DELETE = 'delete';

namespace JDecool\Enum;

use MabeEnum\Enum;

class Gender extends Enum
    public const MALE = 'male';
    public const FEMALE = 'female';

And this entity, with a column of each entity type.


namespace JDecool\Entity;

use JDecool\Enum\Action;
use JDecool\Enum\Gender;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity()
 * @ORM\Table(name="users")
class User
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;
     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column()
    protected $name;
     * @var Action
     * @ORM\Column(type=Action::class, length=10)
    protected $action;
     * @var Gender
     * @ORM\Column(type="php_enum_gender")
    protected $gender;

    // Getters and setters...

The column type of the action property is the FQCN of the Action enum, and the gender column type is php_enum_gender. To get this working, you have to register the concrete column types, using the JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType::registerEnumType static method.


// in bootstrapping code

// ...

use JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType;
use JDecool\Enum\Action;
use JDecool\Enum\Gender;

// ...

// Register my types
PhpEnumType::registerEnumType('php_enum_gender', Gender::class);

// Don't forget to register the enums for schema operations
$platform = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
$platform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('VARCHAR', Action::class);
$platform->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('VARCHAR', 'php_enum_gender');

That will internally register a customized doctrine type. As you can see, it its possible to just pass the FQCN of the enum, making the type use it as the name, but you can also provide a different name.

Alternatively you can use the JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType::registerEnumTypes, which expects an array of enums to register.


// ...

use JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType;
use JDecool\Enum\Action;
use JDecool\Enum\Gender;

    'php_enum_gender' => Gender::class,

With this method, elements with a string key will be registered with that name, and elements with integer key will use the value as the type name.

Do the same for each concrete enum you want to register.

If you need more information on custom doctrine column types, read this http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cookbook/custom-mapping-types.html

Customize SQL declaration

By default, the JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType class defines all enums as a VARCHAR like this:

public function getSQLDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform)
    return $platform->getVarcharTypeDeclarationSQL($fieldDeclaration);

This means that you can customize the length (which defaults to 255), but not the column type.

If you want something more specific, like a MySQL enum, just extend PhpEnumType and overwrite the getSQLDeclaration() method with something like this.


namespace App\Type;

use JDecool\Doctrine\Type\PhpEnumType;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;

class MyPhpEnumType extends PhpEnumType
    public function getSQLDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform): string
        $values = \call_user_func([$this->enumClass, 'getConstants']);
        return \sprintf(
            'ENUM("%s") COMMENT "%s"',
            \implode('", "', $values),

Then remember to register the enums with your own class.


// ...

use JDecool\Enum\Action;
use JDecool\Enum\Gender;
use App\Type\MyPhpEnumType;

    'php_enum_gender' => Gender::class,

Customize value casting

The library assumes all the values of the enumeration are strings, but that might not always be the case.

Since v2.2.0, the library provides a way to define hooks which customize how values are cast from the database and to the database, by using the castValueIn and castValueOut static methods in the enumeration.

For example, let's imagine we have this enum:


namespace JDecool\Enum;

use MabeEnum\Enum;

class Status extends Enum
    public const SUCCESS = 1;
    public const ERROR = 2;

Using the generic PhpEnumType would cause an error when casting the value from the database, since it will be deserialized as a string.

In order to get it working, you have to add the castValueIn static method in the enum:


namespace JDecool\Enum;

use MabeEnum\Enum;

class Status extends Enum
    public const SUCCESS = 1;
    public const ERROR = 2;

    public static function castValueIn($value)
        return (int) $value;

This method is automatically invoked before checking if the value is valid, and creating the enum instance.

The same way, a castValueOut method can be defined in order to modify the value before getting it persisted into the database.


namespace JDecool\Enum;

use MabeEnum\Enum;

class Gender extends Enum
    public const MALE = 'male';
    public const FEMALE = 'female';

    public static function castValueOut(self $value)
        return \strtolower($value->getValue());

These methods can also be used to customize the values. For example, if you used to have values with underscores and want to replace them by dashes, you could define these methods in your enum, in order to keep backward compatibility.


// ...
public static function castValueIn($value)
    return \str_replace('_', '-', $value);

public static function castValueOut(self $value)
    return \str_replace('-', '_', $value->getValue());