
A repository with some examples dealing with git and doxygen

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

doxygit - An example project for Doxygen and git

This is an example project for students learning how to use doxygen and git / github. It contains a Readme-file with basic installation instructions as well as an example Python project using inheritance.

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Windows and Anaconda

  • Optional: Install Notepad++
  • Open an Anaconda Prompt
  • Install Graphviz: conda install -c conda-forge graphviz
  • Install Doxygen: conda install -c conda-forge doxygen
  • Install git: conda install -c conda-forge git
  • During the tutorial, use the Anaconda Prompt to handle the files

Windows and native Installation

  • Optional: Install Notepad++
  • Download git, Doxygen and Graphviz from the webpages mentioned above
  • Install git. Set Notepad++ (or another editor) as the default editor. Ensure that "Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt" is checked. Leave all other settings to the default values.
  • Install Doxygen. You can use the default values.
  • Install Graphviz. You can use the default values.
  • Add Graphiviz to the PATH variable

Linux (Debian-based)

It is recommended to install all required tools via the default repositories.

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install doxygen doxygen-gui git


  • Doxygen and Graphviz are for example available on Homebrew
  • git has an installer for MacOS (see link above)


  • If not already done: Create a github account at github.com. This is required for the tutorial and your project. If you not want to continue working with github, you can remove it later on. Github is a platform for sharing source code and free of charge for public repositories.
  • Open a terminal (Windows, Linux) / command line window (Windows) / the anaconda prompt (Windows with anaconda) check if all of the following commands work without any problems. All of them should give some output different to "command not found".
    • doxygen
    • git
    • dot
  • Setup git in this window:
    • Set your name: git config --global user.name "John Doe"
    • Set your mail address: git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com. The mail address should be the same you entered for github.
  • Create a public / private key pair: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "johndoe@example.com"
  • Add the public key to your github account. The detailed procedure is explained on github

Further information on how to create a key pair can be found online on github


Add a Program to the path variable (Windows)

  • Find out the path of the application from the Windows Explorer. (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz(VersionNumber) for Graphviz
  • Copy this path.
  • Open Erweiterte Systemeinstellungen / Advanced System Settings
  • Open the tab Erweitert / Advanced
  • Open Umgebungsvariablen / Environment Variables
  • In the field Systemvariablen / System Variables, locate the variable Path
  • Click Bearbeiten / Edit
  • Add the path from the first step to the lower field. The different paths are separated by semicolons. Do not remove any values from the existing line. Only add the path for the new app.
  • You need to re-open the prompt after the changes.

Background: The path variable exists on all major operating systems. When working on the command line, the interpreter checks the paths in the path variable for executables. In case of for example Graphviz, this is required for Doxygen to find the dot tool which is used for creating dependency graphs.

The dot tool is not found (Windows)

  • Ensure that the dot tool is in the path variable.
  • In case this does not work, you can also manually set the path to the dot tool in the Doxyfile (value of DOT_PATH).
  • Remember to set this value for each project in which you use Doxygen

What is the name of this weird style used in this Readme file

It is called Markdown. The objective is to create a file which has a nice rich text format and can easily be converted to a more sophisticated format (HTML, pdf, doc).