
Some examples to get some air under your wings

Hydrated Quickstart

I've always been frustrated with tutorials and quickstarts that show you how to draw stick figures and then follow that up with the Sistene Chappel so this is my attempt to provide a couple of examples to bridge the gap between the two and hopefully they will help you get some air under your wings so you can get started quickly and focus on shaping things from there.

For now, there are three examples; an ephemeral quickstart cluster, a generic three node (search) cluster, and a tiered storage cluster. These are by no means the only way or the singular best way to build ECK clusters but it is an attempt to provide a more complete starting point. Each cluster will have some things different about it and each will have it's own readme file to explain those differences further.

Initial Setup of ECK Operator

You are required to setup the ECK operator before you are able to use any of its custom resources. We need to install the custom resourse definitions(CRDs) and then spin up the ECK Operator container that will manage the new custom resources we defined.

As always, please consult the current documentation first to be safe. -> https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/cloud-on-k8s/current/k8s-deploy-eck.html

Quickstart Steps

  1. Run these two commands
# Install the Custom Resource Definitions
kubectl create -f https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/2.5.0/crds.yaml
# Install the Elastic Operator
kubectl apply -f https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/2.5.0/operator.yaml

The operator should be installed and running at this point in the elastic-system namespace. Check the logs with this command if you would like.

kubectl -n elastic-system logs -f statefulset.apps/elastic-operator

  1. Choose one of the listed clusters and head to a "baseline", "dev", or "prod" directory.
  • Quickstart
  • 3 Node Search Cluster(s)
  • Tiered Storage Cluster(s)