A basic exploration of kubernetes

This is how I am learning and exploring the multitude of ways you can deploy and use the many different pieces of kubernetes, the ever growing container orchestration system from Google. I acknowledge that much of what is here is hardly ideal or enterprise grade but my goal is to develop a conceptual and working understanding of various types of controllers, services, storage mechanisms and how they interact so when the time to tackle enterprise solutions comes, I can successfully navigate those problems.

This is serving as a general area for me to store files and write yamls for implementation them on a GCP account.

The primary infrastructure that exists here is based around showing the latest equity prices for specific companies via an nginx web server and supported by a elasticsearch database. It will contact the IEX exchange and their fantastic, free financial API (https://iextrading.com/developer/docs/) and pull down the latest price, then storing it in the elasticsearch engine before it is retrieved by the nginx webserver as it deploys.

See below for a basic diagram I drew.


Here is general list of improvements and concepts I'd like to approach and/or implement (some soon, some not so soon) as this potentially grows before my GCP dollars run out...

  • More elegantly automate the updating of the recent price page within the nginx image, potentially by making a NFS server on the cluster and mounting the directory where nginx looks for it's files or a configmap and triggering an update when the file changes - but again, nginx webpages are not exactly my endgoal (ingress is another story)
  • Get the jobs and initial commands driving some of the actions to run off a file stored remotely versus commands stored within the yaml.
  • Use Istio or Kibana etc. to log and monitor these various pieces
  • Better understand security and best practices for everything, from tackling vulnerabilities to just building a smarter, safer infrastructure.
  • Integrate CI/CD pipelines for this entire process
  • Various things like taints, secrets, best DNS practices, judging resource needs accurately
  • Better understanding networking best practices, even with interaction between multiple clusters
  • Integrate this with a VM or cluster of VMs on my homeserver and build a hybrid architecture.