
serverless url-shortener using API Gateway, Lambda functions instrumented in Go, and DynamoDB. All AWS resources created via terraform.

Primary LanguageHCL

URL shorterner

Built using AWS API Gateway, (two) Lambda functions, and DynamoDB


  • An AWS Account
  • A domain name that will function as your "short url" domain. Preferably this domain is one purchased in Route53.
    • Note: You will need to have the domain purchased before executing any steps to set the url shortener up.
  • You will need the following software installed on your machine/in your local environment:
    • Terraform
      • Note: if you are a Mac user, I recommend using tfenv to install and manage terraform versions.
    • Golang
  • Ensure your AWS credentials (with sufficient permissions) are configured locally--recommended in $HOME/.aws/credentials--so that terraform will be able to successfully create IAM, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and Lambda resources.


  1. Clone this repo and then cd inside the project root:
git clone git@github.com:jdelnano/url-shortener.git
cd url-shortener
  1. From the project root directory, create all AWS resources/infrastructure via terraform:
# I recommend running a `terraform plan` first, inspecting it to make sure
# terraform won't do anything unexpected in your AWS environment
terraform plan

# if all looks good, then apply!
terraform apply
  1. That should be it! If for some reason your API seems to not be active, you may need to go into API Gateway and perform a 'deploy' of you API:


Deploying lambda function updates

If you find that you want to make updates to either ./lambdas/shorten/main.go and/or ./lambdas/redirect/main.go you'll need to then execute (ideally from the repository directory):


The helper script will build all new binaries, compress them, and if you press ENTER, will perform a terraform apply.


Create a 'short' URL

To create a shortened url, execute the command below from any machine:

curl -X POST \
  'https://<your_domain>/' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"url": "https://example.com/shorten"}'

Example response:


Use the 'short' URL

In a browser, copy and paste your shortened URL (e.g. https://<your_domain>/af43i) and see the magic work!