Yeoman generator for drupal modules. This was a fork of David Maneuver's generator, tailored to the needs of MA. Two of us were working on it, the idea being that we could scaffold a module quickly, and also start to include the additional things that we wanted (doc generator files, templated .info file, etc...). This was abandoned/deprecated once D8 came out, since we switched to learning that instead. But, it was fun to work on!
- Make sure you have yo installed:
npm install -g yo
- Install the generator:
npm install -g generator-drupalmodule
- mkdir your module folder at sites/*/modules and cd into it
- Run:
yo drupalmodule
- Want to be able to run from modules folder, rather than having to already have module folder created.
- Expanding package.json to include dependencies for linting, codesniffer, drupal coder, phpdoc generation, and more.
- Better functionality documentation within module function calls (and might include a couple more).
- We shall see...