- 3
Endpoint current_weather does not work properly?
#168 opened by tawissus - 2
Make API available for http
#167 opened by AlexW987 - 2
Strip test alerts from default alerts response
#166 opened by antonanders - 3
Current weather data not updating
#164 opened by smilingchemist - 0
Add Sentry cron monitor for worker
#165 opened by jdemaeyer - 2
- 5
- 1
Cache station list
#154 opened by jdemaeyer - 3
- 1
- 9
brightsky in Arduino/ESP8266 environment
#159 opened by MHz000 - 1
Add all Mosmix fields to /weather
#158 opened by df1paw - 5
Inconsitency in yml?
#156 opened by miasbeck - 4
Wind-Speed forecast data not correctly scraped
#157 opened by seb2010 - 1
Refactor documentation
#145 opened by jdemaeyer - 0
Allow supplying Binnenseen and Küsten warn cell IDs
#155 opened by jdemaeyer - 7
Night forecast during the day
#151 opened by spyderdsn - 1
Current weather data not updating
#153 opened by smilingchemist - 7
- 20
Weather radar
#144 opened by jdemaeyer - 4
Investigate alternative response layouts
#143 opened by jdemaeyer - 12
Call for Feedback
#138 opened by jdemaeyer - 3
Solar power
#141 opened by chrbru - 9
- 4
Add explanations to variables in documentation
#146 opened by kajetanschuler - 13
NULL values for some locations.
#149 opened by poetaster - 0
Block parsing of 10-minutes data before 9 UTC
#150 opened by jdemaeyer - 5
- 2
Increase granularity to 10 minutes
#148 opened by philippdzm - 5
Support for higher frequency precipitation data
#132 opened by ptoews - 2
- 0
Investigate deadlocks during source exports
#142 opened by jdemaeyer - 6
- 1
- 6
Support for limiting results
#135 opened by derniwi - 4
`/current_weather` does not accept `source_id`
#126 opened by jdemaeyer - 8
sunshine and wind_gust_direction are NULL
#133 opened by tawissus - 1
- 2
Condition = rain while precipitation = 0
#131 opened by ptoews - 3
- 6
- 2
No data for United States
#127 opened by Leo32345 - 2
Missing data for existing foreign stations
#125 opened by robinmetral - 1
"relative_humidity" responses are almost null.
#122 opened by kanpyo02 - 5
Retrieve historical measurements?
#120 opened by timmkrause - 1
[Enhancement] Get weather by city name
#121 opened by kwiat1990 - 11
api output differs in demo and from endpoint.
#118 opened by poetaster - 2
DWD locations.
#116 opened by poetaster - 0
Fix "contact" section in docs
#113 opened by jdemaeyer - 2
Fix source model in OpenAPI specs
#114 opened by jdemaeyer