
API Server for NetrunnerDB

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


API Server for NetrunnerDB

Status & Timeline

This is experimental for now, but will be the seed for v2 of NRDB.

Public API functionality will be implemented first as v3 of the existing NRDB API.


This depends on the data from https://github.com/NetrunnerDB/netrunner-cards-json

For local dev with docker

echo "RAILS_ENV=development" > .env
docker-compose build
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
docker-compose up -d db
# Wait until docker-compose logs db | tail shows 'database system is ready to accept connections'
docker-compose run app rake db:reset 
docker-compose up -d
# Import the card data from the netrunner-cards-json repo
docker-compose exec app rails cards:import

To run tests in your docker container, you will need to override the environment, like so:

docker-compose exec -e RAILS_ENV=test app rails test