LPC1114 / ADS1292R ECG firmware

This software is based on the freely available LPC1114 Reference Design available at www.microBuilder.eu, and is licensed under the BSD license (see license.txt for details) [1] It extends that project to add commands for interfacing with the ADS1292R ECG analog frond end IC.

sample data

The hardware design files are here: https://github.com/jdesbonnet/WombatMedical/tree/master/hardware/ecg/prototype1/pcb


The latest version of the software is always available at the following url:

[1] http://www.microbuilder.eu/Projects/LPC1114ReferenceDesign/LPC1114CodeBase.aspx Online documentation is available at: http://www.microbuilder.eu/Projects/LPC1114ReferenceDesign/CodeBaseDocumentation.aspx