
PCB for an adapter board to facilitate USB connection to CSGShop M8T GNSS receiver. Used in conjunction with USB micro breakout board found on Ebay.


USB adapter for pin version of uBlox Neo-M8T available from CSGShop.

The pin header on the receiver breaks out USB D-/D+, 5V and GND. These can be routed directly to a USB mini or mico connector. For ease of construction I'm using a USB micro breakout board instead of soldering a USB micro connector directly on the board.

There are also headers for other pins including UART TX,RX (J4) and interrupt and timing pulse pins (J3).

PCB font

PCB back

Version 1.0.1, 4 Jan 2019

  • Fix missing trace to GND on M8T side of board. Easily patched on V1.0.0 board using a short bodge wire connection to neighboring J3 GND.
  • Add extra info to silkscreen

Version 1.0.0, Dec 2018

  • First version.