
PostgreSQL, HTMX, Axum Web, and Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Phat Stack

PostgreSQL, HTMX, Axum Web, and Tailwind CSS

Example Project

For a more in-depth project using this stack, see my Notion clone.


  • app compiles to a very small statically linked musl binary, allowing super fast time to deployment
  • SQLx provides type-safe SQL queries at compile time when using the query_as! macro
  • DX with live-reloading is actually quite nice
  • there's a lot less complexity here compared to a typical React/Express stack or similar, and even less compared to a Laraval/Django setup where you might have an ORM and/or a templating language.


  • there is a homelab auth framework in here which is probably not production-grade (see mod session, mod auth, mod crypto, mod pw)
  • internal abstractions like trait Component and trait DbModel feel maybe 60% good to me; certainly, there's room for growth, especially towards DRY'ing out forms and having easy CRUD object management
  • I'm not using a templating library; implementers of Component::render need to beware of XSS sanitization concerns, and call ammonia::clean for user-provided strings.