
Slides, etc from my 2024 Shmoocon talk on Network Layer Confusion

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Slides, etc from my 2024 Shmoocon talk on Network Layer Confusion


Direct link YouTube video

Google Slides version

These don't have the notes (I tried to make them just enhance what I was saying), but hopefully the diagrams are helpful. If you want to chat more on these, shoot me an email josh @ 40two org


Apologies that none of these have audio, they had been designed to be used as part of presentations. If they make no sense whatsoever feel free to contact me and I'm happy to explain what's going on. josh @ 40two org

Request smuggling

The smuggling-demo directory contains Docker compose to run a Varnish + nginx combination which is vulnerable to request smuggling by relying on CVE-2022-45059 (patched now of course). After you docker compose up you should in theory be able to do ./issuereq smuggle.txt and get the treasure. Note however the De-syncs are fairly fragile so it may take a bit. And sometimes you need to wait between requests. But if you run something like:

docker compose logs -f backend you'll see that the requests to secret.foo.local are in fact going through.

You also almost certainly need to edit config/backend/sites/secret.conf to correspond to your docker network subnet.

Asciinema captures of routing demos

  • "Layer 2 Chat" - Demonstrates independence of Layer 2 via a pure Layer 2 chat application using a custom EtherType and MAC addresses. In a way demonstrates MAC "spoofing" as well.
  • "Layer 2 Chat - Spoofing" - An extension of the L2 chat application, now adding "hijacking" that exploits how MAC learning works in switches to takeover a MAC address
  • "Hiding in Plain Site" - Shows how you can use routes and interface IPs to use "public" IPs between two hosts