
Count Your Chickens! simulator in Livebook

Count Your Chickens!


Count Your Chickens! is a cooperative board game designed to teach both counting and adding 1 to a number.

The goal is to get all of your baby chicks into the coop before you reach the end. You spin an animal spinner and you move the mother hen to that animal's next space on the board. You also move a number of chicks into the coop equal to the number of spaces you moved on the board. When all of the chicks have been moved into the coop, you win. If you reach the end of the board with any chicks still roaming, you lose.

Sometimes the space you land on is a blue space which means you add one more chick than the number of spaces you moved.

Sometimes the spinner result is a fox, where you move one chick from the coop back to the yard.

Setup Livebook simulator

This markdown uses Elixir's Livebook: https://livebook.dev/#install and the below dependencies to graph the results of the simluator

Mix.install([:vega_lite, :kino])
alias VegaLite, as: Vl

Build the game simulator

The game board is defined in count_your_chickens_board.txt where each line defines a space on the board. Most spaces on the board are an animal name corresponding to an animal on the spinner. Empty lines in the file are spaces with no animal. Animal names that start with a + are the blue spaces where an additional chick is put in the coop if you land on them.

defmodule Game do
  @board_file "count_your_chickens_board.txt"
  @board @board_file |> Path.expand(__DIR__) |> File.read!() |> String.split("\n")
  @total_chicks 40

  defstruct turn: 0,
            position: 0,
            chicks_in_coop: 0,
            chicks_roaming: @total_chicks,
            game_over: false,
            log: []

  def spinner, do: Enum.random(~w(cow dog fox pig sheep tractor))

  def simulate, do: simulate(%Game{})
  def simulate(%{game_over: true} = state), do: state

  def simulate(state) do
    |> advance_turn
    |> handle_spin(spinner())
    |> simulate()

  def handle_spin(state, "fox") do
    |> move_chick(:from_coop, 1)
    |> log_move("fox")

  def handle_spin(state, action) do
    {{new_spot, new_position}, end_of_game, extra_chick} =
      |> Enum.with_index(1)
      |> Enum.drop(state.position)
      |> Enum.find_value(&compare_space(&1, action))

    moves = new_position - state.position

    |> move_chick(:to_coop, moves + extra_chick)
    |> move_player(moves)
    |> log_move(new_spot)
    |> maybe_end_game(end_of_game)

  def compare_space({"all", _idx} = entry, _), do: {entry, true, 0}
  def compare_space({"+" <> animal, _idx} = entry, animal), do: {entry, false, 1}
  def compare_space({animal, _idx} = entry, animal), do: {entry, false, 0}
  def compare_space(_, _), do: false

  def move_chick(%{chicks_in_coop: in_coop} = state, :to_coop, to_coop)
      when in_coop + to_coop > @total_chicks do
    |> move_chick(@total_chicks - in_coop)
    |> maybe_end_game(true)

  def move_chick(state, :to_coop, count), do: move_chick(state, count)

  def move_chick(%{chicks_in_coop: in_coop} = state, :from_coop, count) when in_coop < count,
    do: move_chick(state, -in_coop)

  def move_chick(state, :from_coop, count), do: move_chick(state, -count)

  # State mutators
  def move_chick(state, count) do
      | chicks_in_coop: state.chicks_in_coop + count,
        chicks_roaming: state.chicks_roaming - count

  def log_move(state, move), do: %{state | log: [move | state.log]}
  def advance_turn(state), do: %{state | turn: state.turn + 1}
  def move_player(state, moves), do: %{state | position: state.position + moves}
  def maybe_end_game(state, true), do: %{state | game_over: true}
  def maybe_end_game(state, _), do: state

IO.puts("Example game output:")
num_sims = 10000
sims = Enum.map(1..num_sims, fn _ -> Game.simulate() |> Map.from_struct() end)

|> Vl.data_from_values(sims)
|> Vl.transform(
  calculate: "datum.chicks_roaming > 0 ? 'loss' : (datum.position == 40 ? 'win' : 'super win')",
  as: "outcome"
|> Vl.concat(
    Vl.new(width: 700, height: 200)
    |> Vl.mark(:rect)
    |> Vl.encode_field(:x, "chicks_in_coop",
      type: :ordinal,
      axis: [grid: true, tick_band: :extent]
    |> Vl.encode_field(:y, "turn",
      type: :ordinal,
      axis: [grid: true, tick_band: :extent, orient: :right]
    |> Vl.encode(:color, aggregate: :count),
    Vl.new(width: 700, height: 200)
    |> Vl.mark(:arc)
    |> Vl.encode_field(:theta, "outcome",
      type: :ordinal,
      aggregate: :count
    |> Vl.encode_field(:color, "outcome", type: :nominal)