
XL Release plugin to manage environments and visualize conflicts

Primary LanguageHTML

XL Release Delivery Plugin

License: MIT


XL Release offers outstanding capabilities for pipeline composition and execution. This plugin extends those capabilities with the ability to define components and environments.

Components can be Features, User Stories, PBI's, etc. Environments typically correspond with logical environments like QA1, TST, PROD.

The plugin offers visualization on what component will use which environment when and visualizes conflicts.


  • Ability to mark and unmark the usage of an environment by a Component.
  • Ability to maintain a set of components using a global variable.
  • Ability to maintain a set of environments using a global variable
  • Ability to visualize any conflicts.

Define Components


Define Environments


Mark an Environment


Unmark an Environment


Visualize Conflicts



  • XL Release Server 7+


Plugin can be downloaded directly from the plugin's repository on Github.

Place the plugin's jar file in the <xlr-home>/plugins directory.


The plugin will analyse all delivery.Mark and delivery.Unmark tasks in the current release/template and its targets to build up the potential conflicts. As such, when adding those Tasks inside Releases, the delivery conflict analyzer will use the Start Date of the delivery.Mark tasks and the End Date of the delivery.Unmark task to analyze conflicts.

Conflicts can be viewed from the top level menu item Delivery > Conflicts.


This plugin is built using Node.js, Webpack and Gradle. Execute ./gradlew clean build in the project root to build.

Setup development XL Release Server

You can setup your local development XL Release Server to point to the compiled build by modifying the classpath variable, XL_RELEASE_SERVER_CLASSPATH, in <xlr-home>/bin/run.sh

Example :



Live Update

Once you've started the development XLR server, you can execute npm run watch in the project root. Now everytime you edit the source, it will be automatically compiled and your browser automatically refreshed to reflect the changes.