
Stumpwm module for interfacing with the cmus music player

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Stumpwm module for interfacing with the cmus music player


(load "/path/to/my/stumpwm-cmus.lisp")
to your .stumpwmrc


Once you have Loaded the module, just run cmus and then use the cmus module commands to interact with it.

Here are some example keybindings:

;;Cmus playback controls:
;; Get info about the currently playing track
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-i") "cmus-info")

;; playback controls
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-p") "cmus-send play")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-s") "cmus-send stop")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M->") "cmus-send next")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-<") "cmus-send prev")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-f") "cmus-send shuffle")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-r") "cmus-send repeat")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-c") "cmus-send clear")

;; load m3u or pl playlist (default playlist directory: ~/.cmus)
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-;") "cmus-load-playlist")

;; browser integration functions: wikipedia, youtube and search for lyrics
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-w") "cmus-artist-wiki")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-v") "cmus-video")
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-l") "cmus-lyrics")

;; Load and play an album or song by name
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-P") "cmus-play-album")

;; Search the cmus library
(define-key root-map (kbd "C-M-?") "cmus-search-library")