BIOS patches to allow disc games to report GameID data to a MemCard Pro
- aircool00
- Aisflou
- alex-free
- breyellSimpsonScarborough
- carmax91
- CodeAsmThe Netherlands
- dill0wn@SourceForge
- esmith13New Jersey, USA
- fenixero
- filipe-maia
- gnaghiBuffalora
- Icelvlan88
- Invictaz
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- johnbaumann
- kalymos
- logangaADESA
- magikalf
- majorpbx
- MobCat
- modzvilleusa
- nnc-tlb
- nostalgic-indulgencesSingapore
- PeterFalken
- piklz
- reneruiz
- SONIC3DDM Network Tech
- SoothsayerOrion
- sosafire
- SpiralBL0CK
- supavgx
- symmSainsbury's
- Ulisses-Medeiros
- Victini378Italy
- XaristrikeKavala, Greece
- zombie343