RentCar - Sisloc


  • NextJS
  • NestJS
  • Docker
  • Postgres
  • NodeJS (v18+)

How to run?

Required `pnpm` and `docker` previews installed.

Execute all scripts in root folder

  1. First install all packages
pnpm install
  1. First run setup database
pnpm dev:server:database
  1. Deploy prisma migrations
pnpm dev:server:prisma
  1. Run server
pnpm dev:server
  1. Run client
pnpm dev:client
  1. Finally, you can see in localhost
Client: http://localhost:3001/
Server: http://localhost:3000/


  • Fetch all cars
  • Get unique car
  • Add car in cart
  • Remove car at cart
  • Update car (amount and rend mode)
  • Authenticate


Gabriel Duarte