
listen for large ETH movements in the mempool of a local node

Primary LanguageGo



listen for large ETH movements in the mempool.

This task will monitor pending transactions and report all movements of ETH over a given threshold. I built this as a way to play around with geth but it may be useful as a tool for certain MEV strategies or for analytics.



create a .env file in the root directory and set NODE_URL to a websocket enabed geth node url. (example: wss://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/)

Then run

docker-compose up


NODE_URL=<websocket geth node url> go run main.go

Setting the threshold

the env var MONITOR_ETH_THRESHOLD (denominated in ETH) is checked first and used for the reporting threshold if possible. If absent a default value is used.


While this is at the present a very simple tool, please feel free to suggest any changes or improvements, or open a PR.