
Minimal Damage Not Indicated

Closed this issue · 6 comments


Love the site and so far has been working great for me. Last night I noticed that minimal damage indications where not present on a card I know has them. Specifically Flatbed Truck (SRM). On MUL is has an * next to medium and short range. Would it be possible to indicate this on when pulled into the alpha strike card on your tool?

jdgwf commented

Contacted SkyHigh @ the MUL. Those indicators are not being passed along n the data, but I'm sure he'll take care of it.

jdgwf commented

Just an update - second email sent. Still waiting on any response. I hope he's okay.

jdgwf commented

Finally got word back from Skyhigh - he got behind with life (I know how that feels!)

We've got the new fields, but there's some incoming incorrect data. I bet we have this knocked out this week :)

jdgwf commented

This fix should be live! :)