Consider the command below:
$ jobstats 123456
The code makes a JobStats class. It then prints the report of the class.
What happens when a JobStats class is made? Here is the constructor:
def __init__(self, jobid=None, jobidraw=None, start=None, end=None, gpus=None, cluster=None, debug=False):
Right now only the jobid, cluster and debug can be set when the object is made since there is no way to pass in other parameter values such as start
. It always has jobidraw == None
so first step is always to call self.__get_job_info()
calls sacct
. Need to add user and other seff quantities here. The output is handled as CSV with a header:
$ sacct -P -X -o jobidraw,start,end,cluster,reqtres,admincomment -j 8554568 -M tiger2
The output is parsed to get gpus
, start
, end
, etc. admincomment
is stored in
. This will be empty for running jobs so an explicit call to the prometheus server is later required.
Note that self.__get_job_info()
will return False is end is not Unknown or not numeric. Same if start is not numeric. These two cases result in failure of jobstats.
On return, compute the elapsed wall-clock time and convert to json if sufficient payload. If is empty then call prometheus using self.get_job_stats()
. That call creates a dictionary which gets passed using requests.get()
which returns json which is parsed in get_data()
Lastly, report_job()
is called.
NEW: Get netid, state, group, nn
Job ID: 8554568
Cluster: tiger2
User/Group: pa1643/cee
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 30
CPU Utilized: 00:00:00
CPU Efficiency: 0.00% of 1-20:57:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 01:29:54
Memory Utilized: 0.00 MB (estimated maximum)
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 117.19 GB (3.91 GB/core)
WARNING: Efficiency statistics may be misleading for RUNNING jobs.
Now focus on format.
Crashes when try to make a jobstats object without jobid
def get_stats_for_running_job(jobid, cluster):
import importlib.machinery
import importlib.util
cluster = cluster.replace("tiger", "tiger2")
loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('jobstats', '/usr/local/bin/jobstats')
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader('jobstats', loader)
mymodule = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
stats = mymodule.JobStats(jobid=jobid, cluster=cluster)
return eval(stats.report_job_json(False))
$ sacct -j 39861033 -o jobid,admincomment%200
JobID AdminComment
------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39861033 JS1:H4sIACj7KWIC/1XNQQrCMBCF4bvMOkonIzNpLyOhGUVIGmnSRSm5u1FEcPt/PN4BSw5aYDogaIz+tNoZF+R3qLn6eE2a8rrDxE5wvAgLsYGtaPiJFbRCxCMP5juqj6QdHJE79zg/t37hWvt34gEN3D9487FoewEKn+eojwAAAA==
[jdh4@della8 ~]$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Nov 14 2021, 17:38:41)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-4)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import json
>>> import gzip
>>> import base64
>>> t = json.loads(gzip.decompress(base64.b64decode("H4sIACj7KWIC/1XNQQrCMBCF4bvMOkonIzNpLyOhGUVIGmnSRSm5u1FEcPt/PN4BSw5aYDogaIz+tNoZF+R3qLn6eE2a8rrDxE5wvAgLsYGtaPiJFbRCxCMP5juqj6QdHJE79zg/t37hWvt34gEN3D9487FoewEKn+eojwAAAA==")))
>>> t
{'nodes': {'della-r2c1n16': {'total_memory': 68719476736, 'used_memory': 27127336960, 'total_time': 28338.0, 'cpus': 8}}, 'total_time': 3601, 'gpus': False}
[jdh4@della8 ~]$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Nov 14 2021, 17:38:41)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-4)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import json
>>> import gzip
>>> import base64
>>> t = json.loads(gzip.decompress(base64.b64decode("H4sIACj7KWIC/1XNQQrCMBCF4bvMOkonIzNpLyOhGUVIGmnSRSm5u1FEcPt/PN4BSw5aYDogaIz+tNoZF+R3qLn6eE2a8rrDxE5wvAgLsYGtaPiJFbRCxCMP5juqj6QdHJE79zg/t37hWvt34gEN3D9487FoewEKn+eojwAAAA==")))
>>> t
{'nodes': {'della-r2c1n16': {'total_memory': 68719476736, 'used_memory': 27127336960, 'total_time': 28338.0, 'cpus': 8}}, 'total_time': 3601, 'gpus': False}
>>> 27127336960/1.024**3
>>> 68719476736/1.024**3
>>> 8*3601
>>> 28338.0/(8*3601)
$ jobstats 39861033
Memory usage per node - used/allocated
della-r2c1n16: 25.3GB/64.0GB (3.2GB/8.0GB per core of 8)
Total used/allocated: 25.3GB/64.0GB (3.2GB/8.0GB per core of 8)
CPU Usage per node (cpu time used/runtime)
della-r2c1n16: 07:52:18/08:00:08 (efficiency=98.4%)
Total used/runtime: 07:52:18/08:00:08, efficiency=98.4%
>>> import json
>>> import gzip; import base64
>>> encoding = "H4sIAH+lZmIC/8WSywqDMBBF/yVrK5NJzMOfEalBAvGBJotW/PdGa0vFlYvicmbOzOWQTKTtKjOSfCKVca68WcprSpfad750RWOabniQnKPmWkjUAhISRlN9J5QCAnBEnmw73jaG5KgRMMWE3PsQA2jcq/tQ7M9OBHa35ze0C1gZwRRkKmIfwltnn6W3XbsRMMfRjwQ7KSGFlFQdJKjOUnWVhDj7EJxxBkcHptPsKge+tP8dOB/+npYrHoX9EMz8AoVh1T3pAgAA"
>>> json.loads(gzip.decompress(base64.b64decode(encoding)))
{'nodes': {'della-i14g11': {'total_memory': 42949672960, 'used_memory': 1102004224, 'total_time': 29202.2, 'cpus': 10, 'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960}, 'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496}, 'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0}}, 'della-i14g13': {'total_memory': 42949672960, 'used_memory': 1107677184, 'total_time': 29195.8, 'cpus': 10, 'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960}, 'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496}, 'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0}}, 'della-i14g6': {'total_memory': 42949672960, 'used_memory': 1102434304, 'total_time': 29139.5, 'cpus': 10, 'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960}, 'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496}, 'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0}}, 'della-i14g4': {'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960}, 'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496}, 'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0}}}, 'total_time': 29297, 'gpus': True}
{'tiger-i19g12': {'total_memory': 68719476736, 'used_memory': 1875886080, 'total_time': 221.7, 'cpus': 16, 'gpu_total_memory': {'3': 17071734784, '2': 17071734784, '1': 17071734784, '0': 17071734784}, 'gpu_used_memory': {'1': 414318592, '0': 16717578240, '2': 414318592, '3': 414318592}, 'gpu_utilization': {'1': 0, '3': 0.3, '2': 0, '0': 87.1}}}
There are three attributes at the highest level:
t['nodes'], t['total_time'], t['gpus']
[jdh4@della8 ~]$ jobstats 40409215
Memory usage per node - used/allocated
della-i14g11: 1.0GB/40.0GB (105.1MB/4.0GB per core of 10)
della-i14g13: 1.0GB/40.0GB (105.6MB/4.0GB per core of 10)
della-i14g6: 1.0GB/40.0GB (105.1MB/4.0GB per core of 10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/jobstats", line 300, in <module>
File "/usr/local/bin/jobstats", line 226, in report_job
used = sp_node[n]['used_memory']
KeyError: 'used_memory'
>>> pprint.pprint(t)
{'gpus': True,
'nodes': {'della-i14g11': {'cpus': 10,
'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960},
'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496},
'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0},
'total_memory': 42949672960,
'total_time': 29202.2,
'used_memory': 1102004224},
'della-i14g13': {'cpus': 10,
'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960},
'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496},
'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0},
'total_memory': 42949672960,
'total_time': 29195.8,
'used_memory': 1107677184},
'della-i14g4': {'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960},
'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496},
'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0}},
'della-i14g6': {'cpus': 10,
'gpu_total_memory': {'0': 42949672960},
'gpu_used_memory': {'0': 638058496},
'gpu_utilization': {'0': 0},
'total_memory': 42949672960,
'total_time': 29139.5,
'used_memory': 1102434304}},
'total_time': 29297}
$ jobstats 45274911 -j
"gpus": 1,
"nodes": {
"della-l01g1": {
"cpus": 1,
"gpu_total_memory": {"0": 10200547328},
"gpu_used_memory": {"0": 6881280},
"total_memory": 33554432000,
"total_time": 0.1,
"used_memory": 1855488
"total_time": 168
$ jobstats 39861033
Memory usage per node - used/allocated
della-r2c1n16: 25.3GB/64.0GB (3.2GB/8.0GB per core of 8)
Total used/allocated: 25.3GB/64.0GB (3.2GB/8.0GB per core of 8)
CPU Usage per node (cpu time used/runtime)
della-r2c1n16: 07:52:18/08:00:08 (efficiency=98.4%)
Total used/runtime: 07:52:18/08:00:08, efficiency=98.4%
$ sacct -j 39861033 -o jobid%30,jobidraw%30
JobID JobIDRaw
------------------------------ ------------------------------
39861033 39861033
39861033.batch 39861033.batch
39861033.extern 39861033.extern
39861033.0 39861033.0
$ sacct -j 40345776_97 -o jobid%30,jobidraw%30
JobID JobIDRaw
------------------------------ ------------------------------
40345776_97 40356660
40345776_97.batch 40356660.batch
40345776_97.extern 40356660.extern
40345776_97.0 40356660.0
$ sacct -j 40345776_98 -o jobid%30,jobidraw%30
JobID JobIDRaw
------------------------------ ------------------------------
40345776_98 40356661
40345776_98.batch 40356661.batch
40345776_98.extern 40356661.extern
40345776_98.0 40356661.0
stats = mymodule.JobStats("40376693", cluster="della")
$ python3
"gpus": 4,
"nodes": {
"della-i14g11": {
"cpus": 24,
"gpu_total_memory": {
"0": 42949672960,
"1": 42949672960
"gpu_used_memory": {
"0": 35640573952,
"1": 35640573952
"gpu_utilization": {
"0": 72.6,
"1": 72.9
"total_memory": 68719476736,
"total_time": 1159766.2,
"used_memory": 17839022080
"della-i14g7": {
"cpus": 24,
"gpu_total_memory": {
"0": 42949672960,
"1": 42949672960
"gpu_used_memory": {
"0": 38834536448,
"1": 35640508416
"gpu_utilization": {
"0": 68.9,
"1": 70.4
"total_memory": 68719476736,
"total_time": 1165097.3,
"used_memory": 16258260992
"total_time": 518710
# tiger
$ jobstats 8448964
Memory usage per node - used/allocated
tiger-i19g10: 178.5MB/32.0GB (8.9MB/1.6GB per core of 20)
tiger-i20g14: 0.0B/32.0GB (0.0B/1.6GB per core of 20)
tiger-i20g16: 0.0B/32.0GB (0.0B/1.6GB per core of 20)
tiger-i20g3: 0.0B/32.0GB (0.0B/1.6GB per core of 20)
tiger-i21g12: 0.0B/32.0GB (0.0B/1.6GB per core of 20)
tiger-i21g13: 0.0B/32.0GB (0.0B/1.6GB per core of 20)
Total used/allocated: 178.5MB/192.0GB (1.5MB/1.6GB per core of 120)
CPU Usage per node (cpu time used/runtime)
tiger-i19g10: 00:00/10:00 (efficiency=0.1%)
tiger-i20g14: 00:00/10:00 (efficiency=0.0%)
tiger-i20g16: 00:00/10:00 (efficiency=0.0%)
tiger-i20g3: 00:00/10:00 (efficiency=0.0%)
tiger-i21g12: 00:00/10:00 (efficiency=0.0%)
tiger-i21g13: 00:00/10:00 (efficiency=0.0%)
Total used/runtime: 00:00/01:00:00, efficiency=0.0%
GPU Memory utilization, per node(GPU) - maximum used/total
tiger-i19g10(GPU#0): 0.0B/15.9GB (0.0%)
tiger-i19g10(GPU#2): 0.0B/15.9GB (0.0%)
tiger-i20g14(GPU#0): 0.0B/15.9GB (0.0%)
tiger-i20g14(GPU#3): 0.0B/15.9GB (0.0%)
tiger-i20g16(GPU#0): 0.0B/15.9GB (0.0%)
tiger-i20g16(GPU#3): 0.0B/15.9GB (0.0%)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/jobstats", line 300, in <module>
File "/usr/local/bin/jobstats", line 251, in report_job
gpus = list(d['gpu_total_memory'].keys())
KeyError: 'gpu_total_memory'
# trying traverse job on tiger (need to add "make sure you are on the right login node")
$ jobstats 296059
I found no stats for job 296059, either because it is too old or because it expired from jobstats database.