
If the OLED display of your Tenways CGO600 Bike is broken, this activator can get it going again

Primary LanguageC++


If the OLED display of your Tenways CGO600 Bike is broken, this activator can get it going again

This code was developed for an Arduino Beetle (very small Arduino compatible board, based on Arduino Leonardo). https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1075.html

Normally the OLED display sends a fixed stream of commands (begins with 0x16) or requests for data (begins with 0x11) to the controller.

The datastream has a total length of 1400 msec and then repeats. 4 commands are sent to the Controller :

PAS level : 0, 1, 2, 3 or Walking mode. Max RPM PAS Level again Light On Off

Inbetween several requests for data from the controller are issued by the display : Voltage Battery level Battery Voltage Current Wheel RPM Status Speed

Each data request or command is issued in a 100msec interval. After the 11 requests and commands are sent, a 300 msec wait time indicates the end of a cycle.

All numbers in HEX value !!

disp->contr response from controller (response depends on speed, current, voltage etc)

0ms 11 20 -> 00 00 20 (3 Bytes) 11 20 wheel rpm. 00 00 is the data, 20 = CRC

100ms 16 0B 03 24 (0 bytes) 03 24 for PAS3, 02 23 for PAS2, 0C 2D for PAS1, 00 21 for PAS0, 06 27 for WALK MODE

200ms 11 08 -> 01 (1 byte) 11 08 Status request => 01 response is no error. Other numbers indicate certain errors

300ms 11 31 -> 30 30 (2 bytes) 11 31 Voltage request => 30 Hex is 48 ??? does not compute maybe 48% ??

400ms 11 0A -> 00 00 (2 bytes) 11 0A Current consumption request => response is in A (divide by 2 ??)

500ms 11 11 -> 34 34 (2 bytes) 11 11 = GET Battery => 34 Hex = 52% (both bytes in the response contain the same data)

600ms 16 1F 00 BD F2 (0 bytes) 00 BD = max rpm BD Hex = 189 rpm, F2 = CRC (16+1F+00+BD=F2)

700ms 11 20 -> 00 00 20 (3 bytes) 11 20 = Speed request

800ms 16 0B 03 24 (2 bytes) 03 24 for PAS3, 02 23 for PAS2, 0C 2D for PAS1, 00 21 for PAS0, 06 27 for WALK MODE

900ms 16 1A F1 (0 bytes) (F1 for Light ON, F0 for Light OFF)

1000ms 11 22 33 -> FF FF FE (3 bytes) ??? Closure byte ???

1100ms 11 60 71 -> C8 00 C8 00 C8 00 98 3A 00 00 00 00 7B 06 4E 0C 34 34 06 00 98 01 00 18 00 00 24 (27 bytes!)

1400ms sequence restarts

this sequence does NOT change apart from the PAS level and the light. No dynamic alteration above 25 kph. That is done in the controller. The configuration for top speed is in the 16 1F command. the value is BD hex which is 189 rpm. Wheel diameter for a 700C-38 tire is around 2.18 mtrs. this leads to a top speed of 189 * 2.18 * 60 / 1000 kph = 24.7 kph. For 32 kph top speed the vaslue can be raised to F2 with CRC 27