- 1
Project-wide Compile - include json
#108 opened by tatof - 5
Compile stopped working
#107 opened by metaladdict - 7
Intermittent failure to compile
#93 opened by wahiche - 1
- 3
less compiler for brackets
#80 opened by djheelan - 2
- 3
- 0
.less not live-updating (memory leak)
#94 opened by F1LT3R - 1
Live previev
#104 opened by RodionFadeev - 1
nuisance space
#106 opened by Serega5j - 1
@import not compiled
#105 opened by yosypandriyash - 2
stoped compiling since Brackets 1.8
#96 opened by FrancisBoudreau - 2
- 5
- 3
- 1
Error import .less
#102 opened by BloodyRed - 2
compile.json output path
#101 opened by Kazuto - 4
Case-sensitive path breaks live preview refresh
#100 opened by RaptorCZ - 12
Auto compiling is not working
#60 opened by siwwar - 7
.less is not updating .css
#87 opened by kcollins-marton - 4
Output to multiple files
#86 opened by PlataformasInformaticas - 2
Could you update to choose whether keepBreaks?
#97 opened by heekei - 1
- 5
can not compile to css file in version 1.6
#81 opened by fadesky - 7
- 1
Less-Autocompile errors
#88 opened by DaveTheGeek - 4
// out: null is auto-compiling my files
#89 opened by jeffaustin81 - 1
No reaction on '// out' way and name
#92 opened by VitaliyAT - 7
Don't work with "/" in imports ?
#91 opened by pit07 - 0
Sum working?
#90 opened by thecheshirecat - 1
How to confing the autoprefix?
#84 opened by evolutionjay - 1
I can't get the sourceMap to work
#79 opened by dessita - 18
Automatic compiling doesn't work
#56 opened by fanart - 8
- 4
less-autocompile has timed out
#61 opened by h2u - 2
Not in the brackets extension manager
#66 opened by CodyL19 - 4
@import changes after compiling
#78 opened by andjsch - 3
install extension with zip package
#76 opened by element303 - 2
Not an issue, a suggestion
#77 opened by JeromeClerc - 3
Autoprefixer configuration
#68 opened by amayber - 1
Set output file in .brackets.json
#74 opened by thybzi - 1
- 1
Set compiled files names my mask
#72 opened by thybzi - 1
Use system lessc?
#71 opened by thybzi - 1
Can I specify glob pattern auto-compiling?
#70 opened by kamrenz - 6
Compilation feedback
#67 opened by Garito - 1
Compile and minify
#65 opened by almamund - 4
#62 opened by piccaso - 8
- 7
less files do not compile
#57 opened by dumbwinter