Create T3 App

This is a T3 Stack project bootstrapped with create-t3-app.

What's next? How do I make an app with this?

We try to keep this project as simple as possible, so you can start with just the scaffolding we set up for you, and add additional things later when they become necessary.

If you are not familiar with the different technologies used in this project, please refer to the respective docs. If you still are in the wind, please join our Discord and ask for help.

Learn More

To learn more about the T3 Stack, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the create-t3-app GitHub repository — your feedback and contributions are welcome!

How do I deploy this?

Follow our deployment guides for Vercel, Netlify and Docker for more information.

todo: 2/19

  • add project assets
    • Create visuals
    • Capture new screenshot of bevy chess
    • Create visual for web3 graph
    • Cache clouds animation of some sort
    • Get gif of cache clouds
    • Update ray tracer assets
    • Add cli and visual to monte carlo
    • Add 3d section
  • add experience assets
    • bitski images
    • branch images
    • adidas sr images
    • adidas m images
    • adidas jr images
    • adidas contract images
    • altair images
    • khora images
  • redesign experience page for projects with images
  • add page based image viewer:
    • simple full page viewer transform images per page and create a slideshow viewer
    • add nice animations and css + cleanly display description, link back to project and outside sources


  • add div animation and effects
  • redesign projects page
  • cleanup repo
  • add mobile styling and redesign where needed


  • move assets to backend
    • move images to s3
    • add content db + orm
    • use next or setup lambdas
  • add skill page
    • Would be cool as a springs graph or something
  • add generative background shader:
    • add three and base shader
    • add shader toolset
    • decide on perlin or gaussian, maybe let folks choose. could do flocking, gol or reaction diffusion as well.
    • create shader ui to cycle through and change params