Scheduled Task Runner

This Python script is designed to run tasks on a list of specified recurring day of the month and time. The task parameters are stored in a human-readable and easily configurable JSON file. Additionally, it records task executions in a JSON file that can be checked for historical records.

Files in this project

  1. The main script that runs tasks based on the config.json file.
  2. A script that can be manually run to execute the default task specified in the config.json file.
  3. A utility module containing functions used by and
  4. config.json: The configuration file containing tasks and their parameters.
  5. executed_tasks.json: A file storing successful task executions.
  6. scheduled_task_runner.log: A log file that records task execution information and errors.
  7. scheduled_task_runner.bat: A Windows batch file to run
  8. backup_now.bat: A Windows batch file to run

How to set up the config.json file

The config.json file contains an array of tasks, where each task is an object with the following properties:

  1. "day_of_month": The day of the month on which the task should be executed (1-31).
  2. "time": The time of the day when the task should be executed, formatted as "HH:MM".
  3. "src": The source directory to be backed up.
  4. "dest": The destination directory where the backup will be stored.
  5. "default": (Optional) A boolean value indicating if the task is the default task to be executed by

Example of config.json:

{ "tasks": [ { "day_of_month": 1, "time": "23:56", "src": "C:/source_directory_1", "dest": "C:/destination_directory_1" }, { "day_of_month": 15, "time": "12:00", "src": "C:/source_directory_2", "dest": "C:/destination_directory_2", "default": true } ] }

How to run the scripts

  1. Double-click the scheduled_task_runner.bat file or run it from the command prompt.
  2. Double-click the backup_now.bat file or run it from the command prompt.