
A group hackathon connect-four project built with HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. Created for users to battle one another in a game of connect-four while giving opportunities to customize the game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Maintained by: James Dinh - jdinh8124
  • Contributions by: Yun Yang, Kamryn Min, and James Dinh


Link To Live Site


  • Star Wars Connect Four hackathon was created in JavaScript (ES5 & ES6), Css3, and jQuery.

Languages and technologies Used

  • JavaScript (ES5 & ES6)
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery
  • Meistertask


  • Play Connect Four Game against friend
  • Users can choose colors
  • Users can choose icons
  • Users can play multiple games
  • Users can reset games and data
  • Users are suggested to play on a full screen

Future Additions

  • Mobile responsiveness
  • ES6 additions
  • Sound effects
  • Save game states
  • Map/Background changes

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository from your github to your local computer

git clone https://github.com/jdinh8124/star-wars-connect-four

run in live server

  1. Enjoy and make sure to play with a friend!

Live Demo

Connect Four Game