Ruby script to use Route53 as dynamic DNS provider. = Requirements = * Ruby * Route53 account with setup zone/domain name = Installation = * gem install bundle * git clone git:// * cd Route53DDNS-ruby * bundle install = Usage = Create JSON file containing AWS credentials hash: { "access_key" : "your access key", "secret_key" : "your secret key" } Create JSON file containing domain name and hosted zone ID: { "name":"id", "name":"id" } launch with cron crontab -e */5 * * * * /usr/bin/env /path_to/route53_ddns.rb -s /path_to/aws_credentials.json -z hosted_zones.json --random-sleep > /path_to_log/route53.log 2>&1 Please note, if you poll untrusted sources for IP they might lead your website to a wrong destination :)