(this is a crude secondary channel over using a VirtualBox shared mount)
The following provides support to run smbd in a container with the purpose of sharing a folder between a Linux-based virtual environment with a Windows machine. This is specifically designed for running a Samba share from a Linux host running in VirtualBox, that is bound to an explicit IP on a Host-only adapter. The Windows box running this virtual machine can create a mapped drive for this share, and can freely modify its contents.
An overview:
Create a second network interface on the VirtualBox container selecting
Host-only Adapter
. -
When the container is running, assign a static IP for the newly added interface.
In the virtual machine which will run the container, prepare the mount path by invoking the following:
sudo install -d -m 0755 -o $USER -g $USER /srv/share
If not already done, clone this repository into virtual machine.
Move into the cloned directory and invoke the following:
./register <ip>
With the container running, the share should be accessible from the Windows host environment. Try navigating to the share using Windows Explorer by entering
. -
Users can create a mount for this share using the following:
net use %mount%: \\<ip>\Share
For environments where the container may not be always accessible, the following script can be used to help monitor and manage the mount automatically. This is to help avoid Explorer timeout issues a user may experience when the share is not available.
@echo off
REM ====================================================================
set ip=ENTER_VM_IP
set mount=z
set share_dir=Share
REM ====================================================================
set last_state=na
set state=down
for /f %%i in ('ping -n 1 %ip% -w 1000 ^| findstr /C:"Reply from %ip%"') do (
set state=up
if not %state% == %last_state% (
set last_state=%state%
if %state% == up (
net use %mount%: \\%ip%\%share_dir% >nul 2>&1
if %state% == down (
net use %mount%: /delete /y >nul 2>&1
mountvol %mount%: /D >nul 2>&1
timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul 2>&1
goto begin