
A python script to sign files and verify signatures in a airgapped manner

Primary LanguagePython

Krux File Signer (aka ksigner)

Is a python script to help make airgapped signatures with Krux devices. It also can verify the signatures. There's also a GUI version in development


Fetching the code

git clone https://github.com/selfcustody/krux-file-signer.git

Install dev tools

The ksigner code is a Python script that should be installed with Poetry. To generate a new poetry.lock file use: poetry lock --no-update.

With pip, you can do:

pip install poetry
poetry install

This will also install all development tools so that you can run pylint, format code with black, and build an agnostic OS executable.

Format code

poetry run black ./src

Lint code

poetry run pylint ./src

Build executable

poetry run pyinstaller ./src/ksigner.py

The generated executable will be placed on dist/ksigner/ksigner

Run the GUI version

poetry run python src/ksignerGUI.py

Build the GUI version executable

poetry run pyinstaller ./src/ksignerGUI.py

The generated executable will be placed on dist/ksignerGUI/ksignerGUI




Running ./dist/ksigner/ksigner --help will show:

usage: ksigner [-h] {sign,verify} ...

This python script is a tool to create air-gapped signatures of files using Krux. The script can also convert hex
publics exported from Krux to PEM public keys so signatures can be verified using openssl.

positional arguments:
  {sign,verify}  sub-command help
    sign         sign a file
    verify       verify signature

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit


Running ./dist/ksigner/ksigner sign --help, will show:

usage: ksigner sign [-h] [-f FILE_TO_SIGN] [-o FILE_OWNER] [-u] [-l]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        path to file to sign
                        the owner's name of public key certificate, i.e, the .pem file (default: 'pubkey')
  -u, --uncompressed    flag to create a uncompreesed public key (default: False)
  -l, --verbose-log     verbose output (default: False)


Running /dist/krux-file-signer/krux-file-signer verify --help, will show:

usage: ksigner verify [-h] [-f VERIFY_FILE] [-s SIG_FILE] [-p PUB_FILE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        path to file to verify
  -s SIG_FILE, --sig-file SIG_FILE
                        path to signature file
  -p PUB_FILE, --pub-file PUB_FILE
                        path to pubkey file